Thousands of academics have urged governments to negotiate an international treaty to tackle the climate crisis at its source: fossil fuels.
Thousands of academics and scientists across disciplines delivered a letter demanding a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty
We, the undersigned, call on governments around the world to adopt and implement a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, as a matter of urgency, to protect the lives and livelihoods of present and future generations through a global, equitable phase out of fossil fuels in line with the scientific consensus to not exceed 1.5ºC of warming.
The fossil fuel system and its impacts are global and require a global solution. We call on governments to urgently commence negotiations to develop, adopt and implement a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty laying out a binding global plan to:
End new expansion of fossil fuel production in line with the best available science as outlined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the United Nations Environment Programme
Phase out existing production of fossil fuels in a manner that is fair and equitable, taking into account the respective dependency of countries on fossil fuels, and their capacity to transition;
Invest in a transformational plan to ensure 100% access to renewable energy globally, support fossil fuel-dependent economies to diversify away from fossil fuels, and enable people and communities across the globe to flourish through a global just transition.
The scientific consensus is clear that human activities are primarily responsible for global climate change, and that the climate crisis now represents the greatest threat to human civilization and nature. [1]
The burning of fossil fuels - coal, oil, and gas - is the greatest contributor to climate change, responsible for almost 80% of carbon dioxide emissions since the industrial revolution. [2]
To keep warming to below the temperature goal of 1.5ºC, as reflected in the scientific literature and the IPCC’s special report on 1.5ºC, global greenhouse gas emissions need to be at least 45% lower globally by 2030. [3]
According to the most recent Production Gap Report, this requires an average decline in fossil fuel production of at least 6% per year between 2020-2030. However, the fossil fuel industry is planning to increase production by 2% per year. [4] It is vital that the global transition towards a zero carbon world is equitable, based on countries' fair share of expected climate action, their historical contribution to climate change and their capacity to act. This means richer countries must reduce production of fossil fuels at a faster rate than poorer countries that require greater support to transition, including through the redirection of finance and subsidies from fossil fuels to renewable energy.
In addition to climate impacts, new research shows that the air pollution caused by fossil fuels was responsible for almost 1 in 5 deaths worldwide in 2018. [5] These significant health and environmental impacts are derived from the extracting, refining, transporting and burning of fossil fuels and are often borne by vulnerable and marginalised communities. At the same time, centralised, fossil fuel-generated energy often concentrates power and wealth into the hands of a select few, bypassing the communities in which extraction occurs. [6]
The current dominant approach to tackling climate change focuses on policies that restrict greenhouse gas emissions and the demand for fossil fuels, for example by fostering the growth of substitutes for fossil fuels such as renewable energy and electric vehicles. [7] But there has been limited focus on policies aimed at constraining the production and supply of fossil fuels at the source.
Yet efforts to reduce demand for fossil fuels will be undermined if supply continues to grow. Continued production means either that fossil fuels will continue to be burnt for energy - pushing the world towards catastrophic global warming - or that the industry and countries reliant on fossil fuels will face massive stranded assets, stranded workers, and stranded economies, as government revenue streams currently relied on for development and public sector employment and essential public services evaporate.
While the Paris Agreement lays an important foundation for action on the demand-side of the equation, without international cooperation and policy processes focusing on the supply of fossil fuels, countries will continue to overshoot their already insufficient emissions targets. [8]
Given the significant historical contribution of fossil fuels to climate change, and the industry’s continuing expansion plans, we are calling for a solution commensurate with the scale of the problem. Phasing out coal, oil and gas in line with 1.5ºC requires global cooperation, in a way that is fair, equitable and reflects countries’ levels of dependence on fossil fuels, and capacities to transition. This, in turn, should be underpinned by financial resources, including technology transfer, to enable a just transition for workers and communities in developing countries and a decent life for all.
In this context, we add our voices to the call from civil society, youth leaders, Indigenous Peoples, faith institutions, cities and sub-national governments for a global treaty to address fossil fuels. [9]
[1] World Economic Forum, “The Global Risks Report 2020,” Insight Report (World Economic Forum; Marsh & McLennan; Zurich Insurance Group; National University of Singapore; Oxford Martin School; Wharton Risk Management and Decision Processes Center, University of Pennsylvania, 2020); IPCC, “Summary for Policymakers,” in Global Warming of 1.5°C. An IPCC Special Report on the Impacts of Global Warming of 1.5°C above Pre-Industrial Levels and Related Global Greenhouse Gas Emission Pathways, in the Context of Strengthening the Global Response to the Threat of Climate Change, Sustainable Development, and Efforts to Eradicate Poverty (World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 2018), http://www.ipcc.ch/report/sr15/.
[2] Global Carbon Project (2020) ‘Supplemental data of Global Carbon Budget 2020 (Version 1.0)’ [Data set]. From Friedlingstein et al (2020) ‘Global Carbon Budget 2020’. Earth System Science Data, 12 (4): 3269-3340.
[3] IPCC (2018), see 2nd reference under [1]
[4] SEI et al., “The Production Gap: The Discrepancy between Countries’ Planned Fossil Fuel Production and Global Production Levels Consistent with Limiting Warming to 1.5°C or 2°C,” 2019, http://productiongap.org/; International Energy Agency, CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion 2018, CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion (OECD, 2018), https://doi.org/10.1787/co2_fuel-2018-en.
[5] Vohra K et al (2021) ‘Global mortality from outdoor fine particle pollution generated by fossil fuel combustion: Results from GEOS-Chem’. Environmental Research, 195: 110754.
[6] Burke M and Stephens J (2018) ‘Political power and renewable energy futures: a critical review. Energy Research & Social Science, 35: 78-93; LDC Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Initiative (2017) Framework. Accessed from http://ldcreeei.org/arei_publications/ldc-reeei-framework/.
[7] Fergus Green and Richard Denniss (2018) ‘Cutting with both arms of the scissors: the economic and political case for restrictive supply-side climate policies’. Climate Policy, 150: 73-87.
[8] Olhoff A and Christensen JM (Eds.) (2019) ‘Emissions Gap Report 2019’. United Nations Environment Programme, https://www.unenvironment.org/resources/emissions-gap-report-2019
[9] For the full list of endorsements, visit: www.fossilfueltreaty.org/endorsements
3,000 Academics & Scientist Signatories
Academics & Scientist Highlights
Katharine Hayhoe, Horn Distinguished Professor and Endowed Chair, Texas Tech University
Michael E. Mann, Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science, Penn State University
Prof Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Founder of the Grameen Bank
Erica Chenoweth, Frank Stanton Professor of the First Amendment, Harvard University
Rachel Kyte, The Fletcher School, Tufts University
Peter Kalmus, NASA Climate Scientist, Author of Being the Change
Julia Steinberger, Professor of Ecological Economics, University of Lausanne, IPCC WG III Author
Joni Seager, Distinguished Professor of Arts and Sciences, Bentley University
Saleemul Huq, Director, International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD)
Sandrine Dixson-Decleve, President, The Club of Rome
Priyamvada Gopal, Professor of Postcolonial Studies in the Faculty of English, Teaching Fellow at Churchill College, University of Cambridge
Kevin Anderson, Prof. Energy & Climate Change, Universities of Manchester & Uppsala
David Suzuki CC OBC FRSC
Timothy F Flannery, Palaeontologist, Australian Museum
Prof. Lesley Hughes, Vice-Chancellor (Research Integrity and Development), Distinguished Professor of Biology, Macquarie University and Councillor for the Climate Council
Ömer Madra, Co-Founder, Açık Radyo (Open Radio), Former Lecturer, International Relations and Political Science, Bilgi University
Dr Mark Diesendorf, UNSW Sydney
Prof Chris Rapley CBE, Professor of Climate Science, University College London
Mark Z. Jacobson, Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University
Lesli Bisgould, Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto
Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Georgetown University
Linda S. Black Elk, United Tribes Technical College
Gaël Giraud, French Economist, CNRS, Senior Researcher and Professor, Georgetown University
Rosa Galvez, Professor, Laval University, Member of the Senate of Canada
Robert Macfarlane, Professor of Literature and the Environmental Humanities, University of Cambridge
John C Baez, Mathematical Physicist, Professor of Mathematics, University of California Riverside
Richard J. Roberts, 1993 Nobel Laureate in Physjaiology or Medicine, New England Biolabs
Dr Jason Hickel, London School of Economics and Goldsmiths, University of London
Emeritus Professor Will Steffen, Australian National University, Councillor for the Climate Council
Sir Jonathon Porritt, Co-Founder, Forum for the Future
Terry Tempest Williams, Harvard Divinity School
Dr. Nathan Hayward, Natural Resources Canada, Geological Survey of Canada
Mark A. Maslin, Professor of Earth System Science, University College London
Dr Rowan Williams, Honorary Professor of Contemporary Christian Thought, University of Cambridge and 104th Archbishop of Canterbury
Bill McKibben, Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Dr Lucky Tran, March for Science
Dr Genevieve Guenter, Affiliate Faculty, Tishman Environment and Design Center, The New School
Dipal Chandra Barua, Bright Green Energy Foundation, Co-Founder of Grameen Bank
James Dyke, Assistant Director Global Systems Institute, University of Exeter
Angela Carter, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science & Balsillie School of International Affairs, University of Waterloo
Dr Sarah Myhre, CO2 Foundation, Founder and Executive Director of the Rowan Institute, Kavli Fellow with the National Academy of Science
Jonathan Koomey, Ph.D., Visiting Professor, Researcher, Koomey Analytics
William J. Ripple, Distinguished Prof., Lead author of World Scientists' Warning of a Climate Emergency, Director, Alliance of World Scientists, Oregon State University
Academics & Scientists by Country
Amar Isli, Lecturer, Computer Science
Hayley Stevenson, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella
Marcelo Saguier, Professor of International Relations & CONICET Research Fellow, National University of San Martin (UNSAM)
Maristella Svampa, Senior Researcher in the National Council of Sciences and Technical Researchers (CONiCET) at UNLP (National University of La Plata), Argentina
Sebastián Andrés Crespo, CR2
Vivian Lis Pinero, University of Buenos Aires
Michael Honeth, Associate Professor at the University of Aruba
A/Professor Wendy Steele, RMIT University
Alan Stenhouse, University of Adelaide
Alex Norman, Western Sydney University
Alexander McLachlan, University of Melbourne
Alivia Mantel, RMIT University
Ángel López-Sánchez, Macquarie University
Angela Maria Rojas-Arevalo, Environmental Engineer and Electronics and Automation Engineer, The University of Melbourne
Anitra Nelson, Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute, The University of Melbourne
Ans Vercammen, The University of Melbourne
Ashleigh Stokes (PhD Candidate), RMIT University
Assoc Prof Jill Sewell, Senior Paediatrician in the Centre for Community Child Health, Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne
Benjamin M Ford, University of Western Australia
Bob Fawcett, Retired - NSW Dept. of Education
Bradon Ellem, University of Sydney Business School
Brian Orr, Emeritus Professor (Molecular and Optical Physics), Macquarie University
Callum Greenshields, Curtin University
Carol Farbotko, University of the Sunshine Coast
Christian Downie, Australian National University
Christian Haesemeyer, Professor of Pure Mathematics, University of Melbourne
Colin David Butler, Australian National University
Dale Godfrey, University of Melbourne
Dave Burrows, The University of Sydney
David Blakeway, Fathom 5 Marine Research
David Schlosberg, Sydney Environment Institute, University of Sydney
Deborah Cleland, Postdoctoral Fellow in Healing Environmental Harm through Restorative Justice Project, Australian National University
Deborah Mayersen, University of New South Wales Canberra
Dr Benjamin Cooke, RMIT University
Dr Brenda Dobia, Western Sydney University
Dr Caleb Goods, UWA Business School, University of Western Australia
Dr Carla Pascoe Leahy, ARC DECRA Fellow, University of Melbourne
Dr Chris Curry, Murdoch University
Dr David Haines, Sydney University
Dr Erika Borkoles, Griffith University, Gold Coast
Dr George Takacs, University of Wollongong
Dr Jennifer Kent, Climate Justice Research Centre, University of Technology Sydney
Dr Jeremy Walker, Associate Director, Climate Justice Research Centre
Dr Joan Staples, Hon Principal Research Fellow, RMIT University
Dr Kate Dooley, Research Fellow, Climate & Energy College
Dr Kate Gomersall, Research Fellow, University of Melbourne
Dr Katharina Fabricius, Coral Reef Ecologist
Dr Kerryn Higgs, University Associate, University of Tasmania
Dr Lizzy Lowe, Behavioural Ecology Group, Macquarie University
Dr Malay Dave, UNSW Sydney
Dr Marji Puotinenm, Spatial / Ecological Data Scientist, Homeward Bound Projects
Dr Mark Diesendorf, UNSW Sydney
Dr Martin Daly, Lecturer in Psychology, Western Sydney University
Dr Michelle McCann, Director, PV Lab Australia
Dr Millie Rooney, Australia reMADE
Dr Nanda Jarosz, University of Sydney
Dr Natali Pearson, University of Sydney
Dr Natasha Hurley-Walker, Senior Lecturer, ARC Future Fellow
Dr Niraj Lal, Visiting Fellow, Australian National University
Dr Rebecca Nevin Berger, Australian National University
Dr Richard Denniss, Cheif Economist, The Australia Institute
Dr Sylvia Lim, University of Notre Dame Sydney, School of Medicine
Elise Rivera, Deakin University
Elizabeth Boulton, Australian National University
Elizabeth Jin, Macquarie University
Elizaveta Novoradovskaya, PhD, Curtin University
Ella Vines, Graduate Researcher, University of Melbourne
Emeritus Professor Will Steffen, Australian National University, Councillor for the Climate Council
Eric Sowey, University of NSW, retired
Evan Jones, Sydney University
Exequiel Sepúlveda, The University of Adelaide
Fernanda Del Lama Soares, PhD Researcher, RMIT University
Frances Flanagan, Sydney Fellow, Discipline of Work and Organisational Studies
Frank Stilwell, University of Sydney
Gabriela San Martin Flores, Flinders University
Gabrielle Meagher, Professor Emerita, School of Social Sciences
Genevieve Quirk, Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security
Graeme Anderson, Agriculture Scientist
Ian Dance, Emeritus Professor Chemistry, UNSW Sydney
Jago Dodson, Centre for Urban Research, RMIT University
James Dunk, Department of History, The University of Sydney
Jane N. O'Sullivan, The University of Queensland
Jessica Maria Bohorquez Arevalo, University of Adelaide
Jill Hnatiuk, Deakin University
Jing Sun, Griffith University
John Knox, RMIT
John Merory, Senior Environmental Scientist, Austin Health
Jon Nielsen, The Australian National University
Jonathan Stark, Marine Ecologist, Australian Antarctic Division
Katrina Hergstrom, Environmental Scientist, Wide Bay Burnett Environment Council
Kirk Reed, Associate Professor, Deakin University
Kristin O'Connell, Social Policy Expert, Antipoverty Centre
Laili Hall, Deakin University
Lauren Rickards, RMIT University
Lennert Veerman, Professor of Public Health, Griffith University
Linda Wollersheim, ARC Centre of Excellence for Electromaterials Science (ACES), PhD Researcher
Lyndon DeVantier, PhD. Coral Reef Ecologist, Coral Reef Research
Madeline Mitchell, RMIT University
Marcus Barber, MSc, Centre for Australian Foresight
Mark Wallace, Monash University
Md Kawsar Khan, Postddoctoral Researcher, Macquarie University
Michael Wheatland, Graduate, University of Melbourne
Mittul Vahanvati, RMIT University
Murray Cairns, University of Newcastle
Natalie Ralph, Honorary Fellow, Deakin University
Natasha Clancy, University of Canberra
Nicole Fetchet, RMIT University
Nigel Howard, Clarity Environment
Nir Lipovetzky, School of Computing and Information Systems, The University of Melbourne
Parvinder Gill, Mental Health Practitioner, Anglicare
Paul Hanley, The University of Melbourne
Perran Cook, Professor, School of Chemistry
Prof. Lesley Hughes, Vice-Chancellor (Research Integrity and Development), Distinguished Professor of Biology
Prof. Stuart Russell, Macquarie University School of Law Sydney Australia (retired), International Association of People's Lawyers
Professor Anthony Burke, UNSW
Professor John Dryzek, University of Canberra
Professor Libby Porter, RMIT University
Professor Noel Castree, University of Technology Sydney; University of Manchester
Professor Peter Valentine, James Cook University
Professor Raja Junankar, UNSW Canberra
Razia Shaik, Post-Doctoral Researcher, Charles Sturt University
Rebecca Byrnes, Australian National University
Rebecca McGowan, Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
Ricardo Fonseca, MBBS, PhD
Robin Harvey, Charles Sturt University
Robyn Gulliver, University of Queensland
Rosemary White, Australian National University & CSIRO (retired)
Ruby-Jo Hawkett, Psychologist
Sarah Pollard Williams, Charles Sturt University
Sean Geoghegan, Radiation Oncology, SA Health
Shatabdi Paul, Macquarie Mniversity
Sianan Healy, La Trobe University
Stephanie Clark, School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, University of Technology Sydney
Stewart Nicol, University of Tasmania
Stuart Rosewarne, Associate Professor, Political Economy
Suhailah Ali, Director of Climate Justice, Jubilee Australia Research Centre
Susan Park, Professor in International Relations, University of Sydney
Suzanne Gapps, Western Sydney University
Tanya Dodgen, Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program, Queensland University of Technology
Thomas Wiedmann, Professor of Sustainability Research, UNSW Sydney
Tim Hollo, The Green Institute, RegNet
Timothy F Flannery, Palaeontologist, Australian Museum
Tristan Louth-Robins, CSIRO, Artist
Valerie Kay, Monash University School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine
Vinnie Batten, Queensland University of Technology
Wally Wight, The Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas
Yung En Chee, Senior Research Fellow, The University of Melbourne
Andrea Sturm, Interuniversity College for Health and Development, Schloss Seggau
Andreas Richter, University of Vienna, Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science
Axel Maas, Professor for Theoretical Particle Physics, University of Graz
Daniel Petz, Post-doc Researcher on intergenerational climate justice, University of Graz
Dr Anke Schaffartzik, Institute of Social Ecology, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences
Dr Anna Schreuer, University of Graz
Dr Helmut Haberl, Associate Professor, Institute of Social Ecology
Dr Jan Peter Sendzimir, Ecologist, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
Elisabeth Campestrini MA, Progressive Health Consulting
Erik Leid, IES Abroad Vienna
Erwin K. Reichel, Scientists4Future, Johannes Kepler University Linz
Evgeniya Yordanova, Fachhochschule des bfi Wien
François-Xavier Joly, University of Vienna
Hannes Schmidt, University of Vienna
Harald Sterly, Senior Scientist, University of Vienna
Jordan Everall, PhD Candidate, Wegener Centre for Climate and Global Change
Laurie R. Cohen, Dr. Phil., Independent Historian
Lisa Glaser, University of Vienna
Mario Diaz, Doctoral Researcher, Modul University Vienna
Matthias Schwarz, Postdoctoral Reseacher, Department of Meteorology
Megan Milliken Biven, True Transition
Mgr. Jan Valendin, Institute of Marketing, Vienna School of Economics and Business
Michael Getzner, Professor of Public Finance and Infrastructure Economics, TU Wien
Natalia Kunowska, PhD, University of Graz
Robert Ofner, MSc. BSc., Carinthia University of Applied Science
Suchita Kulkarni, University of Graz
Valentin Vogl, PhD Researcher, Lund University and University of Sussex
Verena Ringler, Director, European Commons Think & Do Tank
Veronika Wittmann, Associate Professor, Global Studies
Volkmar Lauber, University of Salzburg
Dipal Chandra Barua, Bright Green Energy Foundation, Co-Founder of Grameen Bank
Prof Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Founder of the Grameen Bank
Saleemul Huq, Director, International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD)
Shahidul Islam, Retired Professor of Applied Chemistry, University of Rajshahi
Dr Roland R. Clarke, Sustainable Energy Consultant, Clarke Energy Associates
Stacey Alvarez De la Campa, Lex Caribbean Attorneys-at-Law/Omnis Education
Alberto Nicotina, University of Antwerp
Alexandre Kuhn, Walloon Agricultural Research Centre
An Cliquet, Professor of International Environmental and Biodiversity Law, Ghent University
Ana Lopez Antia, PhD, Wildlife Toxicologist
Arnould Massart, Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles
Arthur Vienne, University of Antwerp
Bert Gielen, University of Antwerp
Claire Dupont, Assistant Professor of European Governance, Ghent University
Cristina Braschi, Chercheure Université Catholique Louvain, Researcher
Deborah Casalin, Doctoral Researcher in Public International Law, University of Antwerp
Delphine Misonne, Professor of Environmental Law, Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles
Devanshi Saxena, University of Antwerp
Dr Christine Frison, Post-doctoral Researcher, UCLouvain and University of Antwerpen
Dr Jan Tobias Muehlberg, KU Leuven
Dr Jonas Van der Slycken, Affiliated Researcher, Ghent University
Dr Olivier Absil, Astronomer, Université de Liège
Dr Romain Weikmans, Centre for Studies on Sustainable Development, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Edwin Zaccai, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
Eric Corijn, Free University Brussels
Erik Matthysen, Global Change Ecology Centre, University of Antwerp
Ewoud Vandepitte, PhD Candidate, University of Antwerp
Francois Gemenne, University of Liège
Frank Pattyn, Professor in Earth Sciences, Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
Frederik Van de Perre, Researcher, Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International
Gauri Khandekar, Researcher, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
Gert Van Hecken, Assistant Professor, University of Antwerp
Gilles Louppe, University of Liège
Grégoire Wallenborn, Senior Researcher, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Griet Verbeeck, Professor, Faculty of Architecture & Arts
Hans Vernaeve, Ghent University
Hubert RahierVrije, Universiteit Brussel
Ines Cottignie, Lab Manager, University of Antwerp
Inez Houben, Antwerp Maritime Academy
Jan Nyssen, Full Professor of Physical Geography, Ghent University
Jan Van den Bergh, Senior Researcher, Hasselt University
Janne Swaegers, KU Leuven
Jens van 't Klooster, Postdoctoral Fellow at the Hoger Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte, KU Leuven
Jeroen de Man, University of Antwerp
Jonas Meuleman, Ghent University
Jonas Nicolai, University of Antwerp
Josefine Vanhille, University of Antwerp
Kata Dozsa, PhD, University of Antwerp
Katrien Van der Biest, University of Antwerp
Kris Decleer, Research Institute for Nature and Forest
Leen Bervoets, Ghent University
Leonor Guariguata, University of the West Indies
Lieven Bervoets, University of Antwerp
Louis Beyens, Professor Emeritus, Department Biology
Louise Verhoest, Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
Lucilla Boito, University of Antwerp
Luna Geerts, University of Antwerp
Malaurie Hons, PhD student, University of Antwerp
Marc Craps, Professor Corporate Sustainability Center, KU Leuven
Marjolein Meijdam, PhD candidate, University of Antwerp
Martin Röck, Research Fellow, KU Leuven
Mathieu Van Vyve, UCLouvain
Matteo Campioli, Professor in Plant Ecology, University of Antwerp
Matthias Troch, Ghent University
Matthieu Chastel, University of Antwerp
Mélanie Bertelson, Université libre de Bruxelles
Nicolas Laurent, Biologist, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Noel B. Salazar, Professor in Anthropology at the Faculty of Social Sciences, KU Leuven
Ólöf Guðbjörg Söebech, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Peter Aerts, University of Antwerp
Pierre Corvilain LCFC, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Piet Hoebeke, Ghent University
Pieter Lievens, Thomas More University of Applied Sciences
Pirly Zurstrassen, Point d'Ancrage asbl
Professor Cathy Macharis, MOBI, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Professor Dr Lars Moratis, Antwerp Management School
Professor Estelle Cantillon, Université libre de Bruxelles
Professor Hans Verbeeck, Ghent University
Reinhilde Bouckaert, Universiteit Gent
Ruben Savels, Ghent University
Rupert Mayer, VIB-UGent Center for Medical BIotechnology
Sara Vicca, University of Antwerp
Sebastian Oberthür, Professor of Environmental Policy and Law, University of Eastern Finland and Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Sebastien Willemart, Youth4Nature
Stef Craps, Professor of English Literature, Ghent University
Stefano Pironio, Université libre de Bruxelles
Stephanie Erev, l’Université libre de Bruxelles
Thijs Van de Graaf, Ghent University
Thilo Heinecke, PLECO, Universiteit Antwerpen
Thomas Ameloot, Ghent University
Valérie Cawoy, Institute for Environnemental Management and Land-use Planning, Université libre de Bruxelles
voPierre Meerts, Professor at Université Libre de Bruxelles
Willem H. De Smet, Antwerp University
Wouter Hendrycks, University of Antwerp and Royal Museum for Central Africa
Ellen McRae, Siwaban Foundation, Forest and Marine Reserves Association of Caye Caulker
Dr Nawang Norbu, Director, Bhutan Ecological Society
Carlos Larrea, Professor, Universidad Andina Simon Bolivar
Eduardo Gudynas, Centro Latino Americano de Ecología Social (CLAES)
André Francisco Pilon, International Academy of Science, Health & Ecology
Carina da Rocha Naufel, Universidade Estadual de Campinas
Conrado Vivacqua, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, University of São Paulo (USP)
Deborah Danowski, PUC-Rio, Brasil
Dr Carla I. Elliff, Postdoctoral Fellow, Oceanographic Institute of the University of São Paulo
José Maurício Domingues, IESP-UERJ
Lelis Antonio Carlos Junior, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)
Luiz Marques, State Unversity of Campinas - Unicamp
M.Sc. Mario Luiz Mascagni, Oceanographer
Thais Suetugo, Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas
Vanessa Milred, Harvard Masters in Sustainability, Brazil
Adam Baden-Clay, Coady International Institute
Adam Perry, St Francis Xavier University
Aerin Jacob, University of Victoria, McGill University
Ahmed Ibrahim, McMaster University
Alain Létourneau, Université de Sherbrooke
Alan Mackworth, Professor Emeritus, Computer Science
Alessandra Jones, British Columbia Institute of Technology
Alex Neve, Senior Fellow and Adjunct Professor of International Human Rights Law, University of Ottawa
Alexandre Da Costa, University of Alberta
Alexis Rathe, Ingénieur Chargé d’Affaires en automatisme, Cuir
Alison D. Munson, Université Laval
Alison Mathie, Coady Institute
Alissa Trotz, University of Toronto
Allan Pitman, University of Western Ontario
Allison Goebel, Queen's University
Allison Kelly, University of Waterloo
Amanda Boetzkes, Professor of Contemporary Art History and Theory, University of Guelph
Amy Janzwood, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of British Columbia
Amy R. Poteete, Associate Professor, Political Science
Andre Sorensen, University of Toronto
Andrea Olive, Associate Professor, Political Science
Andrea Yovorsky M.Ed, University of Toronto
Andrew Fenton, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Dalhousie University
Andrew Reeves, Waterloo Centre for Astrophysics, University of Waterloo
Angela Carter, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science & Balsillie School of International Affairs
Anjali Helferty, PhDm Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment
Anna Kiseleva, University of Toronto
Anne Pasek, Canada Research Chair in Media, Culture and the Environment
Annie Lalande, University of British Columbia
Antony W. Diamond, Emeritus Professor, University of New Brunswick
Ariel Kroon, University of Alberta
Arnd Jurgensen, Lecturer, University of Toronto
Ashley Wiebe, University of Lethbridge
Ayesha Umar, York University
Barbara Faggetter, Biologist, Ocean Ecology
Barbara Leckie, Carleton University
Barbara Lent, Professor Emerita, Department of Family Medicine
Barbara M Barnett, Lakehead University
Barbara Rahder, York University
Benoit Waeckel, Polytechnique Montréal
Bernard Soubry, Postdoctoral Fellow, McGill University
Bernie Fitzpatrick, Adjunct Professor and Post-doctoral Fellow, Ontario Tech University
Beth Shepherd, BSc, BA (Psych Hons)
Brendon Larson, University of Waterloo
Bruno Detuncq, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal
Brynn Blumhagen, University of Alberta, University of Alberta
Byron Miller, University of Calgary
Cagdas Dedeoglu, Yorkville University
Cameron Roberts, Carleton Univeristy
Carol Hunsberger, Associate Professor, Geography and Environment
Catherine Yaning Zhang, Member of Institution of Environmental Sciences, Booth University College
Chantelle Penney, PhD Candidate, Environmental & Life Sciences
Christina Hoicka, Associate Professor in Sustainable Energy Economics, York University
Christoph Becker, Associate Professor of Information and the Environment, University of Toronto
Christophe Reutenauer, Mathématicien, Université du Québec à Montréal
Christopher David Matzner, Professor of Astronomy & Astrophysics, University of Toronto
Christopher Lyon, Department of Natural Resource Sciences, McGill University
Christopher Wilson, Retired Senior Research Fellow, Centre on Governance
Clement Kent, Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Biology
Corrine Cash, St. Francis Xavier University and Coady International Institute
Dan Hammerschlag, City of Toronto
Dan Ryder, University of British Columbia
Daniel Henstra, Co-lead of the Climate Risk Research Group, University of Waterloo
Daniel Horen Greenford, PhD candidate, Concordia University
David Hik, Professor, Simon Fraser University
David Lawrie, Rouge Valley Foundation
David Newport MD, Peterborough Clinic
David Sadoway, Faculty-Instructor, Geography & The Environment; Policy Studies
David Shoesmith, Professor Emeritus, Western University
David Suzuki, CC OBC FRSC
Dawn Kellett, Geological Survey of Canada, Natural Resources Canada
Deborah Cowen, Professor, Geography & Planning
Denice Basnett, Seneca College of Applied Arts & Technology
Derek Paul, Professor Emeritus University of Toronto
Derya Tarhan, University of Toronto
Diana Cordoba, Assistant Professor, Queen's University
Don Wells, Professor Emeritus, McMaster University
Donald Spady, MD, MSc
Donna Trembinski, St. Francis Xavier Univeristy
Dr Betty Gill, University of Western Sydney
Dr Carol Aziz, Climate Impact Fund
Dr Carolyn Whitzman, Adjunct Professor, University of Ottawa
Dr Charles Levkoe, Canada Research Chair in Sustainable Food Systems, Associate Professor
Dr Chrislain Eric Kenfack, University of Alberta
Dr Colleen Kaiser, University of Ottawa
Dr Debra Davidson, Professor, University of Alberta
Dr Debra Hammer, University of Alberta
Dr Dennis Crabtree, National Research Council of Canada
Dr Edwin E. Daniel, FRSC, University of Alberta
Dr Ellis Kay, Department of Physics, University of Victoria
Dr Emily Eaton, University of Regina
Dr Gail Fraser, York University
Dr Graeme Duncan. MD, FRCPC. Clinical Professor in Radiation Oncology, Retired
Dr H. Peter Langille, PhD in Peace Studies, Global Common Security
Dr Holly Richardson, Saint Francis Xavier University
Dr Jeff Masuda, Canada Research Chair in Environmental Health Equity, Queen's University
Dr Jennifer Baker, University of Ottawa
Dr John Millar, Professor Emeritus, School of Population and Public Health
Dr Joy Morris, Math & CS, University of Lethbridge
Dr Karena Shaw, Environmental Studies, University of Victoria
Dr Kirsten Zickfeld, Professor, Simon Fraser University
Dr Kristine Kowalchuk, University of Alberta
Dr Laura Tozer, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto
Dr Laurie E. Adkin, Political Economist, University of Alberta
Dr Lina Brand Correa, Assistant Professor, York University; Visiting Researcher
Dr Luisa Sotomayor, Associate Professor, York University
Dr Makere Stewart-Harawira, University of Alberta
Dr Mark S Boyce, Professor of Ecology, University of Alberta
Dr Martha Stiegman, York University
Dr Maura Hanrahan, Board of Governors Research Chair & Associate Professor, Dept. of Geography & Environment
Dr Maureen Moynagh, St. Francis Xavier University
Dr Myra J. Hird, FRSC, Queen's University
Dr Natalie S. Loveless, Associate Professor, University of Alberta
Dr Paul Berger, Associate Professor, Education
Dr Paul Huebener, Athabasca University
Dr Ralph C. Martin, Prof. University of Guelph
Dr Rashmi Chadha, MBChB MScCH, University of British Columbia
Dr Richard Larouche, Assistant Professor, University of Lethbridge
Dr Sarah Krotz, University of Alberta
Dr Selena Couture, Assistant Professor, University of Alberta
Dr Sourayan Mookerjea, University of Alberta
Dr Tara Taylor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, St. Francis Xavier University
Dr Unyime Umoh, Department of Geology, Faculty of Science
Dr Vural Özdemir, Systems Scientist, Toronto
Dr Wendy Hulko, Associate Professor, School of Social Work & Human Service
Dr. Andrea M. Collins, School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Dr. Kate Moran, Ocean Networks Canada, University of Victoria
Dr. Lakshmi N Yatham, University of British Columbia
Dr. Meredith Terretta, University of Ottawa (Canada)
Dr. Nathan Hayward, Natural Resources Canada, Geological Survey of Canada
Elaine Power, Professor in the School of Kinesiology & Health Studies and Head of the Department of Gender Studies, Queen's University
Elisabeth Miltenburg, University of Guelph
Elizabeth Fitting, Anthropologist, Dalhousie University
Emily Hood, Western University
Emma McKay, McGill University
Emmanuel Bengio, McGill University
Eric Lepp, Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Waterloo
Ernesto Forcadilla, Founder InventSchool Canada
Evangeline Kroon, PhD Candidate, Political Science
G. Michael Bancroft, Professor Emeritus, Western University
Gabriel Tseng, McGill University
Gail Wylie, Coalition for Responsible Energy Development - New Brunswick
Gina Ross, Algonquin College
Graham Clyne, Concordia University
Hana Darling-Wolf, McGill University
Haris Vidimlic, University of British Columbia
Heather Castleden, Department of Geography and Planning, Queen's University
Heather E. Young-Leslie Ph.D., University of Alberta
Heather Millar, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science
helle Møller, Associate Professor, Department of Health Sciences
Hugo Beltrami, St. Francis Xavier University
Ian Theaker, UBC IRES
Imre Szeman, University Research Chair, University of Waterloo
J. Nicole Arsenault, PhD Candidate, Dalhousie University
Jackie Seidel, Associate Professor, Werklund School of Education
Jacob Fortier, graduate student Université de Montréal, Université de Montréal
Jacqueline Smith, University of Toronto
James Byrne, Professor, University of Lethbridge
James Corcoran, York University
James Deutsch MD PhD FRCPC Assistant Professor, Psychiatry, University of Toronto
James Mihaychuk, Ph.D., Independent High-Technology Industry consultant
James Rowe, Associate Professor of Environmental Studies, University of Victoria
Jane Mcarthur, Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment
Janette Bulkan, Assistant Professor for Indigenous Forestry, University of British Columbia
Janine Pitman, Retired, University of Western Ontario
Jasper Lael Pankratz, University of British Columbia
Jennifer Marie Dubon, Faculty of Environmental Design, University of Calgary
Jennifer Purdy CD, MD, CCFP
Jessica Dempsey, University of British Columbia
Jessica Green, Associate Professor, International Relations
Jessica Mensch, St. Francis Xavier University
Jill Glessing, Ryerson University
Jim Purdie, retired academic, Northern College
Joel Dubin, Associate Professor, University of Waterloo
John David Spence, Robarts Research Institute, Western University
John Jeglum, retired, Professor of Peatland Forestry
John M R Stone, Senior Climate ScienceAadvisor, Pembina Institute
John Packer, Director of the Human Rights Research and Education Centre, University of Ottawa
John R. Vokey, University of Lethbridge
John Rivière-Anderson, York University
Jonathan Goldman, Université de Montréal
Jorg Broschek, Associate Professor, Wilfrid Laurier University
Jorge Filmus, University of Toronto
Joshua McEvoy, PhD Candidate, Queen’s University
JP Sapinski, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies, Université de Moncton
Julianne Doner, University of Toronto
Julie MacArthur, Associate Professor, Canada Research Chair in Reimagining Capitalism
Julie Reimer, PhD Candidate, Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador
Julien Arsenault, Université de Montréal
Justin Alger, University of British Columbia
Justin Paulson, Director, Institute of Political Economy
Kanishka Goonewardena, Professor, University of Toronto
Karen Briand, St. Francis Xavier University
Kate J Neville, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto
Katharine N. Rankin, Professor, University of Toronto
Kathleen Brannen, Professor, University of Ottawa
Kathryn Harrison, Professor, University of British Columbia
Kathryn Harvey, Canadian martResearch Consultant
Katrina Burch, McGill University
Kenneth C Johnson PhD, School of Epidemiology and Public Health, Department of Medicine
Kenton Lobe, Teaching Professor, International Development and Environmental Studies
Kevin Van Tighem, Biologist, Parks Canada
Kristian J. Kiland, The University of British Columbia
Kyla Tienhaara, Canada Research Chair in Economy and Environment, Queen’s University
Larry Swatuk, Professor at the School of Environment, Enterprise and Development
Lauren Keira Marie Smith, PhD Candidate, University of Waterloo
Laurence Packer, York University
Leah Van Dyk, University of Calgary
Leesa Fawcett, York University
Lenore Fahrig, Carleton University
Lesli Bisgould, Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Law
Linda Peake, York University
Lisa Stein, University of Alberta
Louise Aucoin, Professeure de droit à la retraite, Université de Moncton
Lynette Shultz, Professor, University of Alberta
Lynne Alexandrova, PhD candidate, University of Toronto
Madison Bolt, University of British Columbia
Maida Hadziosmanovic, Concordia University
Malgorzata Gasperowicz, PhD, University of Calgary
Manon Niquette PhD, Université Laval
Marc Epprecht, Queen's University Kingston
Marc-François Bernier, Université d’Ottawa
Marcus Jack Dostie, University of Lethbridge
Marcus Taylor, Queen's University, Canada
Mariano Koen-Alonso, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Marielle Papin, postdoctoral fellow McGill University
Marion Markham, Kitchener-Waterloo Climate Save
Marjorie Griffin Cohen, Simon Fraser University
Mark Hudson, University of Manitoba
Mark MacIsaac, St. Francis Xavier University
Mark Raymond Brown, Professor, Philosophy and Humanities
Mark Stoddart, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Martha Ruben MD, PhD
Martin L Martens, Vancouver Island University
Martin Sharp, University of Alberta
Matthew Hoffmann, Professor of Political Science, University of Toronto
Maura Brown, MD, BC Cancer
Maxwell A. Cameron, Department of Political Science, University of British Columbia
Melissa Reimchen, Concordia University
Michèle Bobyn, Laurentian University, Sudbury ON Canada
Michèle Breton, Professor (retired), Department of Decision Sciences
Micheline Beaudry, Professeure Retraitée, Université Laval
Michelle Lin, McGill University
Mireille Bonin, Université Laval, Des Universitaires
Mohammad Adnan Aftab, University of Lethbridge
Naoko Ellis, University of British Columbia
Neil Balan, PhD, Long-Term Contract Teaching Faculty
Nicholas Ray, University of Waterloo
Nicholas Rivers, University of Ottawa
Nicky Hastings, Natural Resources Canada, Geological Survey of Canada
Nicolas Benjamin Cowan, McGill University
Nicole Gombay, Université de Montréal
Norine Jane Verberg, St. Francis Xavier University
Olaf Weber, School of Environment, Enterprise and Development
Pamela Banting, University of Calgary
Pascale Dufour, Full Professor, Political science
Patricia Ballamingie, Carleton University
Patricia E. (Ellie) Perkins, Professor in the Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University
Patrick McCurdy, Associate Professor, Department of Communication
Patrick Provost, Professor in the Department of Microbiology, Infectious Diseases and Immunology
Paul F. Hoffman, University of Victoria/Harvard University
Peter Andree, Professor, Carleton University
Peter Martin, Professor of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Toronto
Peter Meincke, President Emeritus, University of Prince Edward Island
Peter Osborne, McGill University
Peter Stoett, Professor of International Relations, Ontario Tech University
Philip A Loring, University of Guelph
Philip A.W. Dean, University of Western Ontario
Philip Hammer, University of British Columbia
Philippe Le Billon, Professor, School of Public Policy and Global Affairs
Pratishtha Singh, International Policy Analyst, Climate Action Network
Professor Elizabeth Patitsas, McGill University
Professor George Hoberg, UBC School of Public Policy and Global Affairs
Professor Jean-Sébastien Fallu, Université de Montréal
Professor Marten H. van Kerkwijk, Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, University of Toronto
Professor Simon Dalby, Balsillie School of International Affairs/Wilfrid Laurier University
R. de Vries, St. Francis Xavier University
R.Chun MD PhD, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary
Rachana Devkota, York University
Rachel Portinga, PhD Student, Health Sciences
Rachel Schwartz-Narbonne, PhD, University of Western Ontario
Rachel Webb Jekanowski, Assistant Professor of Literature, Memorial University - Grenfell Campus Memorial University
Ralph Martin, Professor, Plant Agriculture
Randy Lauff, St. Francis Xavier University
Rebecca Hall, Assistant Professor, Queen's University
Rebecca Tiessen, University of Ottawa
Regan Boychuk, ARO Working Group, Alberta Liabilities Disclosure Project / Polluter Pay Federation
Ricardo Grinspun, Associate Professor of Economics, York University
Richard Sandbrook, Professor Emeritus of Political Science, University of Toronto
Rita Wong, Emily Carr University of Art and Design
Robert Cocking, Natural Resources Canada
Robert Godin, Assistant Professor, The University of British Columbia
Robert Stowe, MD, University of British Columbia
Robert Winston, MD University of British Columbia, University of British Columbia
Robin Neustaeter, St. Francis Xavier University, Coady International Institute
Rod Bantjes, St Francis Xavier University
Roger Keil, York University
Roger Suffling, The School of Planning, University of Waterloo
Ronald R. Martin, University of Western Ontario
Rosa Galvez, Professor, Laval University
Roscoe Petkovic, Low Carbon Transition Strategy Committee - Town of Halton Hills, Ontario
Rosemary Collard, Simon Fraser University
Rosemary Cornell, Professor Emerita, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
Ruth Frager, Associate Professor, McMaster University
Ruth W. Sandwell, Professor, University of Toronto
Ryan Katz-Rosene, Associate Professor, University of Ottawa
Sabine Mathesius, Postdoctoral Fellow, Simon Fraser University
Saeed Valadbaygi, GCRI
Sandra Hoenle, University of Calgary (emerita)
Sara Cannon, PhD Candidate, University of British Columbia
Sarah Erik Sackville-McLauchlan, doctoral candidate in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, York University
Sarah Martin, Assistant Professor, Memorial University
Sarah Rotz, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change
Sarah Wakefield, Department of Geography and Planning, University of Toronto
Scott Prudham, Professor, University of Toronto
Scott Smallwood, University of Alberta
Shane Gunster, Associate Professor, School of Communication
Sharon Wall, Professor of History, University of Winnipeg
Sheila Colla, Associate Professor, York University
Shelley Rempel, Professor, Mohawk College
Shoshannah Bryn Jones Square, University of Manitoba Institute for the Humanities
Sophia Sanniti, University of Waterloo
Sophie L. Van Neste, INRS
Spencer K. Monckton, York University
Sr. Linda Gregg, Villa St. Joseph Ecology & Spirituality Centre
Stefan Kienzle, PhD, University of Lethbridge
Stefan Renckens, Assistant Professor in the Political Science Department, University of Toronto
Stephanie Eccles, Concordia University
Stephen Crozier, Lecturer, Douglas College
Steve Easterbrook, Professor and Director of the School of the Environment, University of Toronto
Steven Moore, Queen's University
Sue Staniforth, Biologist
Susan Jane Spronk, Associate Professor, School of International Development and Global Studies
Susan Ruddick, Professor, University of Toronto
Suzanna Becker, McMaster University
Sven van Teeffelen, Université de Montréal
Tamara Lorincz, Wilfrid Laurier University
Tara Callaghan, Department of Psychology, St. Francis Xavier University
Thian Yew Gan, Professor, University of Alberta
Thomas Fox Rutherford, University of Wisconsin
Thomas Homer Dixon, University of Waterloo
Thomas Marois, Senior Research Fellow, Patient Finance and Public Banking
Thomas Wharton, The University of Alberta
Truzaar Dordi, University of Waterloo
Veronica Dahl, Professor Emeritus, Simon Fraser University
Walter Andreeff, Indigenous Scientist, Métis Nation
William Browett, PhD, retired
William J. Meath, Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry
William Ramp, The University of Lethbridge
Alvaro Infante, Universidad de Valparaíso
Cecilia Ibarra, Profesora Adjunto, Universidad de Chile
Cristian Cerutim, Universidad de Valparaíso
Dr Robert McCulloch, Centro de Investigación en Ecosistemas de la Patagonia
Fabrice Lambert, Climatologist, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Felipe Ahumada, Public Manager and Master in Management and Public Policies, University of Chile
Laura Farias, University of Concepcion
Paloma Buendía Molina, Universidad de Valencia / Universidad Autónoma de Chile
Ross Mittiga, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Simon Accorsi, Assistant Professor (Economics), University of Chile
Tim Hewlett, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Agnes Chong, University of Hong Kong
Alexandra Cook, University of Hong Kong
Darren Catterall, SRI Connect
Laurence L. Delina, Assistant Professor at the Division of Environment and Sustainability, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Paul G. Harris, Chair Professor of Global and Environmental Studies, Education University of Hong Kong
Y Lee, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Angela María Jimena Jiménez García. Becaria Doctoral, Universidad de Medellín
Jorge Grant Baxter, University of Los Andes
Juan F. Salazar, Associate Professor Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia
Julián Arévalo, Universidad Externado de Colombia
Laura Morales, Ecologist, Colnade
Lida Esperanza Villa Castaño, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Natalia Castro, Universidad Externado de Colombia
Paola A. Arias, Universidad de Antioquia
Pascal J. Molineaux, Pontificia University in Cali
Paula Mira, Universidad de Antioquia
Xyomara Carretero-Pinzón, Independent Researcher, Zocay Project
Alvaro Sagot Rodríguez, Universidad de Costa Rica
Andrés Calvo-Barrantes, Political Scientist, Agro Planeta Asoc.
Angélica Fallas, Costa Rica Institute of technology
Mauricio Gutiérrez, Professor, School of Chemistry
Pía Carazo, Visiting Professor, University for Peace
Georgina Bustamante, Marine Conservation Scientist and Educator, Cuban Academy of Science
Anna Segecova, Global Change Research Institute, CAS
Julia Leventon, Global Change Research Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences
Sophie Eberhardt, Researcher
Thomas SJ Smith, Masaryk University
Dr Jonathan Ilunga Muledi, University of Lubumbashi
Fidele Cuma Mushagalusa, Université de Lubumbashi
Yona Mleci Jonas, Université de Lubumbashi
Andres R. Masegosa, Associate Professor, Aalborg University
Anne-Sofie Lautrup Sørensen, PhD Gellow, IT University of Copenhagen
Areti Vlachodimou, University of Copenhagen
Caroline Anna Salling, IT University of Copenhagen
Carsten Daugbjerg, Professor, University of Copenhagen
Dr Ankit Kariryaa, University of Copenhagen
Dr Fernando Racimo, Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen
Dr Gregers Andersen, Independent Researcher
Dr Tullia Jack, Postdoc, Aalborg University
Frits Ogg, Renewable Energy Consultant, Windtech-International
Guido Vettoretti, Kobenhavn University
Hanne Hollnagel, Professor Emerita in General Medicine, University of Copenhagen
Ida Persson, General Practitioner, Primary Healthcare
Irina Papazu, IT University of Copenhagen
James Maguire, Assistant Professor, IT University of Copenhagen
Jens Friis Lund, Professor of Political Ecology, University of Copenhagen
Johannes Lundberg, PhD Student, Department of Philosophy and the History of Ideas
Lars Iversen, Novozymes
Laura Horn, Political Economist, Roskilde University
Line Skovlund Larsen, MSc Political Ecology, co-author of 'White Skin Black Fuel: On the Danger of Fossil Fascism'
Mattias Borg Rasmussen, Associate professor, Department of Food and Resource Economics
Michael Hockenhull, IT-University of Copenhagen
Niina Hakala, Copenhagen Business School
Ole Schultz, DTU Research Database
Philipp Gramlich, NaturalScience.Careers
Stefan Gaarsmand Jacobsen, Roskilde Universitet
Steffen Dalsgaard, IT University of Copenhagen
Susanne Köhler, PhD Fellow, Aalborg University
Juan Carlos Gonzalez Tamayo, Independent research consultant
Paola Moscoso, Fundacion Naturaleza y Arte, Department of Evolution
Thomas Worsdell, Research Consultant, The Rights and Resource Institute
Ricardo Navarro, President of CESTA
Billie Getachew Alemayehu, Humanitarian Affairs Officer at United Nations Capital Development Fund
Tondelo Gungulundi, Shahidi wa Maji, Mekelle University
Daniel S. Helman, PhD, College of Micronesia-FSM
Mike Gawel, Federated States of Micronesia Chief of Marine Resources, Environmental Planner Guam
Dr Austin Bowden-Kerby, Chief Scientist, Corals for Conservation
Elisabeth Ann Holland, Professor Ocean & Climate Change, Pacific Centre for the Environment & Dustainable Development, University of the South Pacific
Viliame Kasanawaqa, Team Leader Policy Research, Pacific Islands Development Forum
Andrea Botero, Academy of Finland Research Fellow, Aalto University
Barry Gills, Priofessor of Global Development Studies, University of Helsinki
Dr Christian Breyer, Professor for Solar Economy, LUT University
Ellycia Harrould-Kolieb, PhD. UEF Law School, University of Eastern Finland
Gonzalo Cortés Capano, University of Helsinki
Hanna Putkonen, Helsinki University Hospital
Hanna Rintala, MD, Physicians for Social Responsibility Finland
Harro van Asselt, Professor of Climate Law and Policy, University of Eastern Finland
Iryna Herzon, University of Helsinki
Janne M. Korhonen, Postdocoral Researcher, Lappeenranta University of Technology
Joni Karjalainen, Finland Futures Research Centre, University of Turku
Karlheinz Knickel, University of Helsinki
Margherita Pevere, scholar, Aalto University
Marikka Purola M.D., Helsinki University
Paavo Järvensivu, BIOS Research Unit
Rumy Narayan, University of Vaasa
Sabaheta Ramcilovic-Suominen, Natural Resources Institute Finland
Satu Helenius, University of Eastern Finland
Thomas Wallgren, Professor of philosophy, University of Helsinki
Traci Birge, DSc. Agriculture & Forestry, University of Helsinki
Tuulia Reponen, PhD Student in Human Geography, University of Eastern Finland
Virpi Sipilä, Malmi Hospital, CIty of Helsinki
Agnès Boutet, Sorbonne Université
Alain Rossigneux, Education nationale
Alexandre Gondran, ENAC, University of Toulouse and French Civil Aviation University
Alexis Cukier, Assistant Professor in Philosophy, University of Poitiers
Alexis Zimmer, Université de Strasbourg
Anna Sandano, INALCO university
Anne Delaballe, Grenoble University
Anne-Laure Brun, Hôpital Foch, Suresnes
Bastien Boussau, LBBE, CNRS
Bernard Billoud, Station Biologique de Roscoff, Sorbonne Université
Brendan Coolsaet, Associate Professor of Environmental Politics, Lille Catholic University
Carole Barisone, Professeur de Sciences économiques, Directrice Centre de recherche
Carole Larose, Institut Français de l'éducation IFE-ENS Lyon
Caterina Seghini, PhD Candidate, SFI - Geneva Finance Research Institute
Caterina Zanfi, Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)
Cedric Matthews, Research Engineer, Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)
Céline Guivarch, CIRED, Ecole des Ponts
Charles Boubel, Associate Professor, Mathematics
Charlotte Gardes, French Treasury (DG Trésor)
Christian Mercat, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Claire Monod, Écologiste
Clelia Sirami, Conservation Ecologist, DYNAFOR-INRAE
Daniel Goll, Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement
Denis Machon, Université Lyon 1
Dr Aline Thomas, Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)
Dr David Crookall, Université Côte d'Azur & International Ocean-Climate School
Dr Didier Guénin, Président of Urgence Climat Urgence Humanité
Dr Gaell Mainguy, Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires, Paris
Dr John Morse, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
Dr Lilas Courtot, UCL Cancer Institute
Dr Nathalie Ortar, Senior Researcher, ENTPE-University of Lyon
Dr Timothée Parrique, Université Clermont Auvergne
Dylan Laplace Mermoud, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Ehsan Kayal, Evolutionary Biologist, Station Biologique de Roscoff
Elie Dupont, Ecole Centrale de Lyon
Elizabeth Ficko-Blean, CNRS
Emeline Baudet, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle
Eren Can Ileri, Sciences Po Paris School of International Affairs
Eric Eustache, Entrepreneurs du Monde
Etienne-Pascal Journet, Agronomist. AGIR (Agroécologie-Innovations-Territoires), CNRS / INRAE
Fabien Lamire, The Shifters
Fabrizio Li Vigni, Sciences Po Saint-Germain-en-Laye
Fastrez Jean-Baptiste, National Institute for Industrial Design
Félix Garnier, University of Bordeaux
Floriane Clement, INRAE (French National Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment)
Franck Varenne, University of Rouen
Frank Urtizberea, Aix-Marseille Université
Frédéric Desbonnet, M.D. Energies Neuves, Registre Général
Frédéric Sforza, Directeur, Solution Recyclage
Gaël Giraud, French Economist, CNRS
Gaétan Lot, Ingénieur consultant en performance énergétique, E-nergy
Gaétan Morand, Research Engineer, Reefscapers
Gaspard Gautier de Luze, Data & Energy Engineer, France
Georges-André Silber, Assistant Professor in Computer Science, PSL University
Geremy Panthou, Climate and water cycle, Institut des Géosciences de l’Environnement
Gilles Dauby, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement
Gonzalo Marchant, Claude Bernard University, Lyon
Guillaume Meunier, Elioth, 169 architecture
Hippolyte Reignier, Consultant Climat Carbone
Hubert Ménou, Mines ParisTech, PSL University
Irvin Cemil Schick, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
Jade Gauttieri, Université de Strasbourg
Jean-Christophe Gilloteaux, Ecole Centrale de Nantes
Jean-Loup Simon, Sciences Po, CEE
Jean-Pierre Barani, Éducation Nationale
Jérôme Pierre, Président, Domain de Keravel
Joost Mansour, Sorbonne University
Julien Chevalier, El Normandie Business School
Julien Chiappone-Lucchesi, Sciences Po Aix
Julien Dossier, Carbon Neutrality Expert, Quattrolibri
Julien Lefèvre, Researcher, Université Paris Saclay
Kevin Guilaumé, Enedis
Léo Peyruchat, Collège de France - Paris
Loris Amabile, Engineer, Mines ParisTech
Louis Delannoy, INRIA (National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology)
Louison Dufour, Station Biologique de Roscoff
Lukas VF Novak, Evolutionary Protistologist, CNRS
Mark Cock, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Martine Robert, Professeur, Education nationale
Mathieu Bordigoni, Analyst, Enedis
Michel Cucchi, University Hospital, Lille
Naoufal Karroum, Groupe Soufflet
Nathalia Le Hen, ESLSCA Business School Paris
Nicolas Christin, SIGMA Clermont
Nicole Guyard, CNRS
Nsangou Nchare, University Paris Saclay
Olivier Gandrillon, Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) / ENS de Lyon
Olivier Lelouch, IFP School
Oussama Abdoun, Independent Researcher
Paul Lecorre, Ecole Centrale Nantes
Paul Windeyk, Sorbonne Université
Perwin Yasar PhD, CNRS, INSERM
Perwin Yasar, PhD, CNRS
Philippe Delacote, Environmental Economist, INRAE and Climate Economics Chair
Philippe Quirion, Senior researcher, Cired
Philippe Werle, Cyber Security Engineer, CISO
Pierre Charbonnier, Researcher, CNRS and Teacher at Sciences Po
Pierre Keller, Energy & Climate Analyst, ENERDATA
Pierre Leviaux, Economist, LAET
Pierre-Gilles Gayet, Green Management School
Professor Alexis P. A. Fischer, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord
Quentin Bourhis, Research Engineer, EDF
Raphaël Pélissier, IRD, the French Research Institute for Sustainable Development
Rémi Forsans, Environmental Economist
Renard Mary-Françoise, Emeritus Professor, University Clermont Auvergne
Revd Jane Stranz, Eglise protestante unie de France
Ronan Bélec, Université Paris Nanterre
Samuel Huron, Associate Professor, Design and ICT at Telecom Paris Tech
Sidonie Ruban, Environmental Engineer and Co-Founder, Citizens Climate Lobby France
Stéphane la Branchem, IPBC
Théo Vischel, University of Grenoble Alpes IGE France, Institut des Geosciences de l'Environnement
Thierry Taboy, Institut Rousseau
Thomas Bretot, Grenoble IAE
Tosca Ballerini, Thalassa - marine research and science communication
Vacher Cécile, Vertuel
Véronique Riches-Flores, Economiste
Vianney Masson, École centrale de Lyon
Victor Brun, École Pratique des Hautes Études
Vincent Danos, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)
Virginie Raisson-Victor, Chairwoman, Lépac
Wolfgang Cramer, CNRS, Mediterranean Institute for Biodiversity and Ecology
Yacine Badis, Lecturer, CNRS
Yasmine Lund-Ricard, Station Biologique de Roscoff (Sorbonne Université)
Amadou S. O. Taal, Worldview-The Gambia
Paziaud Luc, Herpetologist, Gambia
Alina Fiehn, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)
Anastasia Serafeimidou Pouliou, Developer, ACTINEO
Andy Zaidman, TU Delft
Anjali Ramakrishnan, PhD Researcher, Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change
Anke Weidlich, University of Freiburg, University of Freiburg
Anna Fiesinger, MSc., GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
Balthasar Reuter, Scientist, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
Beatrice Bednarz, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Bernd Berauer, Department of Plant Ecology, University of Hohenheim
Carolin L., Environmental Scientist, University of Bayreuth
Carsten Elsner, Research Associate, Political Science
Chris Fairless, ETH Zurich
Christine Milchram, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Corina Peter, Research Assistant, Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
Cristina de Barros Costa, Universität Mainz
Daniel Mietchen, Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries
David Brückner, Postdoc Fellow, Institute of Science and Technology Austria
David Jácome Polit, Universidad de las Américas
Doris Fuchs, University of Muenster
Dr Anaïs Tilquin, ETH Zürich
Dr Animesh Chatterjee, Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dr Christoph Glawe, S4F Stuttgart
Dr Daniel Durrant, University College London, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Dr Daphne Keilmann-Gondhalekar, Chair of Urban Water Systems Engineering, Technical University of Munich
Dr Dina Barbian, Institute for Sustainability, Nuremberg
Dr Gerald Jurasinski, Landscape Ecologist, University of Rostock
Dr Gregor Hagedorn, Botanist
Dr Istemi Kuzu, Philipps-University Marburg
Dr Jeroen Kalkman, TU Delft
Dr Juan F. Masello, Department of Animal Ecology & Systematics, Justus Liebig University Giessen
Dr Katie Ritson, LMU Munich
Dr Kristiina Visakorpi, ETH Zürich
Dr Liam Garvey, International School of Stuttgart
Dr Melanie Bergmann, Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
Dr Miriam Prys-Hansen, Lead Research Fellow, German Institute of Global and Area Studies
Dr Natalie Laibach, ILR, Universität Bonn
Dr Sascha Holzhauer, Universität Kassel
Dr Stefan Wagner, Head of the Empirical Software Engineering Group, Executive Director ... Institute of Software Engineering (ISTE)
Dr Tavseef Mairaj Shah, Postdoctoral Researcher, Hamburg University of Technology
Dr Tobias Ide, TU Braunschweig
Dr Ulf Steinvorth, Specialist in General Practice/Emergency Medicine, University of Hamburg
Dr Ulrich Thielemann, Director, MeM - Denkfabrik für Wirtschaftsethik
Dr. Abidah Setyowati, TU Delft
Dr. Christoph G. Schmidt, Nordfriisk Instituut, Bredstedt
Dr. Kat Austen, Leibniz Institute for Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries
Dr. Wolfgang Oels, Ecosia
Erik Sandstroem, ETH Zürich
Felipe Corral-Montoya, Research Associate at the Workgroup for Infrastructure Policy, Technische Universität Berlin
Felix De Caluwe, Policy Officer, Energy Watch Group
Flavio Azevedo, Senior Researcher, Friedrich Schiller University
Florian Männer, Agricultural Ecologist, University of Bonn
Franz Baumann, Ph.D., Visiting Research Professor
Franziska Müller, University of Hamburg
Gunther Glenk, University of Mannheim
Hans-Josef Fell, President, Energy Watch Group
Harald Klimach, University Siegen
Hermann Brunner, Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics
Ilka Beil, University of Greifswald
Ioana Alexandra Dușe, doctoral researcher, Leuphana University
Jacob Zoller, M.Sc.Biodiversity & Conservation, Marburg
Jean-François Bastin, Associate Professor, Teaching and Research Centre
Johann Majer, PostDoc, Leuphana University Germany
Jonas Fierke, Georg-August-University Goettingen
Jonas Horn, Institute for Socio-Economics
Joris Messelink, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Joschka Köck, PhD Student, University of Kassel
Joschka Wanner, University of Potsdam
Josephine Tröger, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI, Karlsruhe
Julia Backhaus, RWTH Aachen University
Julie King, Doctoral Resarcher, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg
Karim Zantout, University of Frankfurt
Katja Geißler, University of Potsdam
Kyle Topfer, Technische Universität Dresden
Lorenz Keyßer, ETH Zürich, ETH Zürich
Magda Buchczyk, Junior Professor in Social Anthropology, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Maisie Upson, Universität Potsdam
Maria-Elena Vorrath, Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research
Marlis Wullenkord, University of Greiswald
Martin Keller, German Aerospace Center
Matteo Allegretti, Max Palnck Institute of Biophysics
Maurice Schneider, University of Zurich
Max Bürck-Gemassmer, German Alliance on Climate Change and Health
Max Spiegelberg, PhD Environmental Management, FEAST
Maximilian Krahé, University of Duisburg-Essen
Moritz Gartiser, University of Duisburg-Essen
Moritz Kraemer, Chief Economist, CountryRisk.io
Nicolas Stoll, Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
Niklas Götz, FIAS/Goethe University Frankfurt, FIAS/Goethe University Frankfurt
Niko Schäpke, Assistant Professor of Environmental Governance, University of Freiburg
Nikolaus Froitzheim, Institute for Geosciences, Bonn University
Nora Gottlieb, Bielefeld School of Public Health
Olaf Eisen, Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
Otto Hirsch, Dipl Kfm, Soz
Patruick Vrancken, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Paul Maidowski, Independent Researcher
Philipp Benner, Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing
Prof. Dr. Joris Lammers, University of Cologne, Germany
Prof. Dr. Uwe Dettmar, Technische Hochschule Köln
Prof. Jonathan Bamber, University of Bristol and Technical University Munich
Prof. Verena Seufert, University of Hohenheim
Professor Dr Michael Weiß, Steinbeis Innovation Centre
Professor Dr Pao-Yu Oei, Professor for Economics of Sustainable Energy System Transition, Europa Universität Flensburg
Professor Dr Urban Weber, TH Bingen, Germany
Rainer Quitzow, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Potsdam
Roland Jan-Reiner Bednarz, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz
Roman Isaac, PhD student, Leuphana University Lüneburg
Runita Shirdhankar, Center of Advanced European Studies and Research (CAESAR)
Sabine Baumann, Glaciologist, DLR
Sandro Bösch, ETH Zurich
Sonia Seneviratne, ETH Zurich
Stefan Golla, Scientists for Germany, State Association for Energy Efficiency (LFE e.V.)
Stefanie Bühn, University Witten Herdecke
Stephan Moldzio, Marine Biologist, Reef Check
Susann Ullrich, Environmental Psychologist, University of Potsdam
Sven Harmeling, European Climate Pact Ambassador
Theodosios Chatzistergos, Max Planck institute for solar system research
Thomas Faestermann, PhD, Physics Dept.
Thomas Haaland, University of Zurich
Thomas Mildner, University of Bremen
Thomas Rackow, Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
Thomas Sprinzing, HdM, Stuttgart Media University
Thure Traber, Energy Watch Group
Timothy Davis, German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ
Ulrike Jordan, University of Kassel, Germany
Vera Huwe, Institute for Socio-Economics, University of Duisburg-Essen
Viktoria Allert, TU Dortmund
Viktoria Cologna, Institute for Environmental Decisions, ETH Zürich
Volker Ossenkopf-Okada, Universität zu Köln, I. Physikalisches Institut
Werner Aeschbach, Professor, Institute of Environmental Physics
William Lamb, Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change
Xavier Balaguer Rasillo, University of Zurich
Young-jin Choi, Head of Research, Phineo gAG
Zakia Soomauroo, TU Berlin
Alex Afouxenidis, Principal Researcher in Political Sociology, National Centre for Social Research
Alexander Charalambous, Living Prospects, Department of Environment of the Aegean University
Giorgos Kallis, ICREA Professor, ICTA-UAB
Giorgos Velegrakis, Adjunct Faculty, National and Kapodistrian University Athens
Sarantis Dimitriadis Emeritus Professor, Geology, Aristotle University Thessaloniki
Oonya Kempadoo, Co-founder of the Grenada Community Library & Resource Center
Alfred Bhulai, Think Engine Institute
Anna Perreira, University of Guyana
Halima Khan, Red Thread Guyana
Lisa Edwards, University of Guyana
Raquel Thomas, Independent Forestry Consultant
Romario Hastings, Environmental Protection Agency Guyana
Susan Collymore, Red Thread Guyana
Vanda Radzik, Independent Consultant on Social & Sustainable Development, Constitutional Rights Commission on Women & Gender Equality Commission (Guyana)
Wintress White, Red Thread Guyana
Balázs Endre Szigeti, PhD Student, Eötvös Loránd University
Jukka Siltanen, Environment and Natural Sciences, University of Iceland
Jukka Taneli Heinonen, University of Iceland
Alok Gupta, MD FIAP, Pediatrician
Anjan Kumar Sahu, Assistant Professor, Central University of Rajasthan
Anuradha Jaishankar, M.O.P Vaishnav College for Women
Chirag Dhara, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies, Krea University
Dr Shree Nath Sharma, Former Chief Scientist, CSIR - Indian Institute of Petroleum
Dr. Govardhana Rao Vadlamudi, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Gourav Kumar Mishra, Research Fellow, Zoological Survey of India
Ipsita Gupta, Analyst, Sattva Consulting
JItendra Mohanty, CSIR- IMMT Bhubaneswar
K Radhakrishna, Chemical Engineer, Andhra University
K Sudha Damodaram, Sanjivayya National Law University
Kaibalya Khatua, BSC Botany HONS, SJCET CLLG
Kalapala Babu Rao, CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology
Lakshmi Menon, Inter-University Centre for Intellectual Property Rights Studies
Madhava Rao Gorrepati, Human Rights Forum
Madhavi Putrevu, Human Rights Forum
Mundeesh Kaur, JN Medical College India
Namandeep Kindrha, CT Institute
Namilakonda Poojita, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences
Namrata Ginoya, World Resources Institute
Nandyala Harinder, Human Rights Forum
Narayana Rao P, Society for Environment and Education
Narendra Kumar Paladugu, Instrumentation Engineer at Engineers India Limited.
Prof (Dr) J Sundaredsan Pillai, Integrated Rural Technology Center (IRTC).
Prof. D. Mandal, Homi Bhabha National Institute
Professor Subbarangaiah K, VEDAIIT, The VEDA Educational Society
Rimjhim Kotla, Avasara Leadership Institution
Sanjay Vashist, Gujarat Agriculture University, CAN South Asia
Satvika Nukala, Osmania university
Sheeva Dubey, D Y Patil International University
Siva prasada rao Krosuri, Assistant Professor - Chemical Engineering, RVR & JC College of Engineering
Sreedhar Ramamurthi, Geoscientist, Environics Trust
Subrata Kumar Sahu, Researcher
Sudhakar Yedla, PhD, Professor and Former Vice-Chancellor (President)
Sujoy Kar, Apollo Hospitals
Sumati Surya, Raman Research Institute
Sunil Kumar, Technip
Syed Masood Ahmad, National Geophysical Research Institute
T. Vijayendra, Cerana Foundation, Hyderabad
U. G. Srinivasulu, Human Rights Forum
Umamaheshwar Dahagama, Cheruvu
Vasantha Lakshmi, Hyderabad, Human Rights Forum
Vizaya Kumar Karumanchi, IIT, Kharagpur
Andreas Pramudianto, Assistant Professor, School of Environmental Science
Fachruddin Majeri Mangunjaya, Universitas Nasional, Faculty of Biology and Agriculture
Ailise Bulfin, School of English, Drama & Film
Ananya Tiwari, PhD Researcher, Institute of Technology Sligo
Barry McMullin, Dublin City University
Dr Aedín McLoughlin, Good Energies Alliance Ireland
Dr Clare Noone, Maynooth University
Dr John Crowe, Lecturer of Supply Chain Management, Technological University of Dublin
Dr Sarah Zimmermann, EcoAssist
Dr Sorcha O’Brien, National College of Art and Design, Dublin
Fergal Byrne, Researcher, The Sustainability Agenda
Holly English, University College Dublin
Jean Boucher, Dublin City University
Jeremy Auerbach, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences
Kate Flood, National University of Ireland Galway
Oliver Milne, National University of Ireland, Galway
Paul R Price, Dublin City University
Professor Gerry Kearns, Department of Geography, Maynooth University
Professor Jools Gilson, University College Cork, Ireland
Richard Milner, University College Cork
Rósín Moriarty, Environmental Research Institute, University College Cork, Environmental Research Institute, University College Cork
Ruth Cotter, Dublin City University
Shauna Lee Cooney, Technology University Dublin
Avram Mizrahi MD, Wolfson Medical Center
Daniel Disegni, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Dr Esther Winter, EKW Research Development
Dr Jessica Bellworthy, University of Haifa
Dr Michelle Oren, Bar-Ilan University
Dr Orr Karassin, The Open University of Israel
Michal Weis, Tel Aviv University
Na'ama Rose Kochman, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Andrea Di Turi, Faculty Member, Master in Finanza Sostenibile
Anna Casaglia, Assistant Professor, University of Trento
Anne Snick, Club of Rome, Fellow of the World Academy of Art & Science
Antonino Raffone, Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome
Claudio Cassardo, Professor, University of Turin
Cristina Mangia, Italian National Research Council
Daniela Cavalcoli, Associate Professor, University of Bologna
Donatella Dominici, Professor, Università dell'Aquila
Elena Claire Ricci, Assistant Professor in Agricultural Economics and Appraisal, University of Verona
Gianluca Ruggieri, Ricercatore, Università dell'Insubria
Gianni Tartari, Istituto di Ricersa Sulle Acque-Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Giorgio Matteucci, National Research Council of Italy - Institute of BioEconomy
Giorgio Salerno - librarian, retired (since few months), Biblioteche di Roma (Libraries of Rome Municipality)
Giorgio Salerno, Biblioteche di Roma
Giulio Marchesini, Honorary Professor at Alma Mater Studiorum, Università di Bologna
Harald Crepaz, Eurac Research
Helen Chiappini, G. d’Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara
Leonardo Setti, Dept. of Industrial Chemistry, University of Bologna
Luca Lombroso, Meteorologist, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Luigi Lavarone, Green Economy Research and Development Italy (GERDI)
Marco Casari, University of Bologna
Marco Giusti, Universitá di Verona - Engineering and Research Director, Agsm Aim
Marco Grasso, University of Milan-Bicocca
Marco Villani, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Margherita Venturi, Dipartimento di Chimica “Giacomo Ciamician”, Università di Bologna
Maria Laura Parisi, Associate Professor, University of Siena
Massimo De Marchi, Climate Justice Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, University of Padova
Massimo La Deda, Department of Chemistry, University of Calabria
Michele Carducci, President of Centro Di Ricerca Euroamericano sulle Politiche Costituzionali (Cedeuam), University of Salento
Micol Todesco, National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (Ingv)
Monica Zoppè, National Research Council (CNR) of Italy
Nicola Armaroli, CNR, The Italian National Research Council
Norbert Lantschner, ClimAbita Foundation
Prof. Gianrossano Giannini, physicist, European Climate Pact Ambassador
Roberto Versari, ITTS Guglielmo Marconi Forlì
Salvatore Andolina, University of Palermo
Sandrine Dixson-Decleve, President, The Club of Rome
Silvia Bagni, Researcher in Comparative Public Law, University of Bologna
Vincenzo Balzani, Ciamician Department of Chemistry, University of Bologna
Vincenzo Maimone, Professor, Università degli Studi di Catania
Vittorio Marletto, Retired, Agricultural Meteorologist
Walter Ganapini, Honorary Member, Scientific Committee
Angelique V Nixon, The University of the West Indies
Daniel Devonish, The University of the West Indies
Christoph Rupprecht, Associate Professor, Ehime University
Gregory Trencher, Kyoto University
James Worth, FFPRI
Julie de los Reyes, Kyoto University
Layne Hartsell, Research Fellow, Asia Institute
Michael H. Brown, Kanda University of International Studies
Paul Beddie, SAP Japan / Futuremax Institute
Robert J. Lowe, Department of English Communication, Tokyo Kasei University
Tatsuyoshi Saijo, Economist, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature
David Obura, CORDIO East Africa & Pwani University, Kenya
Dr Ioannis Tsipouridis, Director RECCReC, Renewable Energy & Climate Change Research Center at TUM Kenya
Joseph Mbatha, Centre for Responsible Extractives Development (CREED)
Maurice Ouma Odhiambo, Jamaa Resource Initiatives, Kenya
Peter Stefan Michael Vodegel, Coral Reef Restoration Practitioner, REEFolution Foundation
Stella Nyambura Mbau PhD, LOABOWA
Edgar Hernan Cruz M, MBA in Energy and Environment, MSc in Regulation and Electrical Engineer
Akmal bin Zulkarnain, Gulf Researcher
Arie Ajoeni, Researcher, Klima Action Malaysia (KAMY)
G Ganesh Kumar, Human Rights Forum
Heng Wei Khang, Universiti Malaya
Jia Yen Lai, Monash University Malaysia
Sebastian Szereday, Coral-Ku
Ramakrishna Venkatasamy, Ph.D., M.Sc. B.Sc.
Adrián Fernández-Bremauntz, PhD, Iniciativa Climática de México and UNAM
Armando Adriano, Universidad Veracruzana
Ernesto Hevia del Puerto, Cozumel Ocean Research
Jose Manuel Leal Garcia, University of Guadalajara
Luis Alberto Bautista Arciniega, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Luis Gerardo Samaniego Santamaría, University of Quintana Roo
Mariana Tejado Gallegos, Partner, Green Business Partners
Marisol Angles Hernandez, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Melanie Kolb, Institute of Geography, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
Monica Hernandez Frayre, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (UABC)
Mtra. Marina Gisela Hernandez Garcia, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Nallely Magaña, PhD student, National University of Mexico
Tereza Cavazos, Departamento de Oceanografía, CICESE
Victor Cuauhtemoc Garcia, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana
Naya Sharma Paudel, PhD, Senior Researcher
Sunit Gotame, Tribhuban University
Adriaan Kamp, Energy for One World, Nyenrode Business University
Bastiaan Rutjens, Assistant Professor in Social Psychology, University of Amsterdam
Carolina Valladares, CEDLA, University of Amsterdam
Cor Dietvorst, IRC WASH
Disa Sauter, University of Amsterdam
Dr Cameron Brick, University of Amsterdam
Dr Claudia Pombo, Independent researcher, Netherlands
Dr Fergus Green, Post-Doctoral Researcher, Utrecht University
Dr Leo van Kampenhout, Researcher, Utrecht University
Dr Mathilde Hagens, Assistant Professor, Wageningen University
Dr Yogi Hale Hendlin, Assistant Professor and Research Associate, Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity Initiative
Dr. ir. Igor Nikolic, Delft University of Technology
Dr. Petra Verdonk, Amsterdam UMC-VU University
Eftychia Stamkou, Assistant Professor of Social-Cultural Psychology, University of Amsterdam
Elena Popa, Utrecht University
Emil Beemer, DRIFT, Erasmus University
Eric Sieverts, VOGIN, University Library Utrecht
Ethemcan Turhan, Assistant Professor of Environmental Planning, University of Groningen
Fabian Dablander, University of Amsterdam
Fiona Dove, Transnational Institute
Francesca Colli, Maastricht University
Franco Donati, PhD Candidate in Industrial Ecology, Leiden University
Frank Biermann, Professor, Global Sustainability Governance; founder
Frans Geraedts, Philosopher, Foundation for justice
Geke Litjens, PhD candidate Medicine, Radboudumc
Gerard Cats, Cheif Scientist, Kracht van Utrecht
Hans C van Mameren, Energy-Renewed Pte Ltd
Ina Möller, Wageningen University and Research
Ina Vollmer, Utrecht University
James Patterson, Utrecht University
Jans Henke, Physicist, University of Amsterdam
Jelena Belic, Lecturer, Leiden University
Jeroen Bosman, Utrecht University
Joel van der Weele, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Amsterdam
Johan de Jong, Forest Ecology and Forest Management, Wageningen University & Research
Jolein Holtz, Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies, Leiden University
Jonneke de Koning, Avans University of Applied Science
Joseline Houwman, Utrecht University
Josephine Chambers, Wageningen University
Kyle Mason-Jones, Netherlands Institute of Ecology
Laura Claret Fernández, PhD Candidate on Microbiology at Radboud University, Nijmegen
Lisanne Havinga, Assistant Professor at the Department of the Built Environment, Principal Scientist at Eindhoven Institute of Renewable Energy Systems
Lisette Klok, University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam
Loek Spitz, University of Amsterdam
Lorenzo Pellegrini, Associate Professor of Economics of Environment and Development, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Luc van Summeren, Eindhoven University of Technology
Luisa Cortat Simonetti Goncalves, Research Associate, Global Governance Centre - Graduate Institute Geneva
Mahsa Shahsavarian, Applied Policy Analysis Bureau
Malika Menoud, PhD candidate in atmospheric science, Utrecht University
Margreet Riemersma, Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen
Marjan Smeulders, Radboud University
Maxence Menthon, PhD candidate, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Michael Elliot, Assistant Professor, University of Groningen
Michiel Köhne, Assistant Professor in Anthropology of Law and Development, Wageningen University
Natascha van Bommel, Eindhoven University of Technology
Paul Behrens, Assistant Professor in Energy and Environmental Change, Leiden University
Peter Roessingh, Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics, University of Amsterdam
Philip Schrameijer, PhD, Trimbos Institute
Prof. Dr. Judith Daniels, Professor in Clinical Psychology, University of Groningen
Professor Andy van den Dobbelsteen, PhD MSc, Delft University of Technology
Professor Ir. Theo van der Meer, Emeritus Professor, University of Twente
Rakhyun E. Kim, Assistant Professor of Global Environmental Governance, Utrecht University
Rui Sun, University of Amsterdam
Sagar Ratilal Bavarva, Chief Researcher, Bees Digital Farm
Sander Chan, Global Center on Adaptation
Sanli Faez, Assistant Professor of Physics, Utrecht University
Sanne van der Ven, Radboud University
Simona Pedde, Science Lead, Future Earth
Sjoerd Kluiving, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Sophie Buchel, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Sophie van der Erve, University of Amsterdam
Steph Menken, emeritus professor evolutionary biology, University of Amsterdam
Wim Uijttewaal, Professor of Experimental Hydraulics, Delft University of Technology
Wouter Lenferink, PhD Candidate of Ecological Microbiology, Radboud University
Yoad Winter, Professor of AI and Computational Semantics, Utrecht University
Yuri Engelhardt, Assistant Professor, University of Twente
Zahar Koretsky, Maastricht University
Zohar Ianovici, Economist, World Bank Group
Allanah Ryan, Massey University
Annisa Rahmalia, Public Health Researcher, Magnaka Psychology and Research - ITM Antwerp - Papuan Health and Development Foundation
Anthony Butterworth NZIQS, BCG(JV) Ltd
Bettina Evans, Whitecliffe College
Bjørn-Oliver Magsig, Senior Lecturer in Law, Victoria University of Wellington
Brent Burmester, Lecturer, Department of Management and International Business
Charlotte Patterson, PhD Candidate, Queensland University of Technology
Daniel Price, School of Earth & Environment, Canterbury University
David Hall, Climate Innovation Lab, AUT University
David Painter, formerly Lincoln and Canterbury Universities, New Zealand
Dr Anna Matheson, School of Health, Te Herenga Waka
Dr Emily Lane, National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research Taihoro Nukurangi
Dr Lindsey Harbour, Auckland City Hospital
Dr Nathan W Burke, University of Auckland
Dr Nathanael Melia, Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Patrick Flamm, Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Paul Caiger, University of Auckland
Emily McGrath, Cawthron Institute
Ivan Diaz-Rainey, CEFGrup, University of Otago
James Renwick, Victoria University of Wellington
Janet Stephenson, Research Professor, University of Otago
Megan Smith, University of Waikato
Priscilla Wehi, University of Otago
Priya Kurian, Professor of Political Science and Public Policy, University of Waikato
Professor Euan G. Mason, University of Canterbury
Sabrina Laura Rosset, Victoria University of Wellington
Steffen Lippert, University of Auckland
Victoria Fahey, Research Coordinator, COREsea
Amb. Bashir Mustapha Yusuf, College of Education Zing, Taraba State
Igbinosun Ikponmwosa, Obafemi Awolowo University
Stephen Awoyemi, Central European University
Alexander Dunlap, University of Oslo, Centre for Development and the Environment
Anand Bhopal, University of Bergen
Arild Angelsen, School of Economics and Business, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
Arpenik Kroyan, PhD Candidate, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU)
Askill Harkjerr Halse, Institute of Transport Economics (TØI)
Bard Harstad, University of Oslo
Bodil Merethe Larsen, Senior Researcher, Unit for Environmental
Brigt Dale, Nordland Research Institute
Cathrine Hagem, Statistics Norway
Diderik Lund, Professor Emeritus of Economics, University of Oslo
Dr Filip Maric, Founder and Executive Chair of the Environmental Physiotherapy Association, Associate Professor Physiotherapy
Dr Fredrik Jutfelt, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Dr Hugo Reinert, Associate Professor, University of Oslo
Eirik Romstad, Associate Professor, School of Economics and Business
Erlend Aasheim, University of Oslo
Frans-Jan Parmentier Centre for Biogeochemistry in the Anthropocene, Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo
Geir B. Asheim, University of Oslo
Gulnaz Anjum, University of Oslo, University of Oslo
Håkon Nordhagen, Senior Scientist, SINTEF
Hans Martin Seip, Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry
Helge Drange, Professor and lecturer, Geophysical Institute at the University of Bergen
Hidemichi Yonezawa, Statistics Norway
Ingrid Hjort, postdoctoral fellow, BI Norwegian Business School BI Norwegian Business School
Karine Nyborg, University of Oslo
Ketan Joshi, Clean Energy Data Analyst
Knut Einar Rosendahl, Professor in Economics, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Kyrre Kverndokk, University of Bergen
Lukas Godé, PhD Student, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Maja van der Velden, University of Oslo
Manuela Zucknick, University of Oslo
Marion Grau, MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society
Marte Eknæs, Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Martha L. Villegas-Montes, MSc MRSB
Maximilian Nawrath, Sustainability Research Institute, School of Earth and Environment
Mikkel Vindegg, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Oslo
Ole Christian Lind, Professor, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Pierre Lison, Norwegian Computing Center
Professor Rolf David Vogt, Centre for Biogeochemistry in the Anthropocene, Department of Chemistry
Ragnar Øygard, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Rasmus Benestad, Met Norway, Tekna Klima
Rita Elmkvist Nilsen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Rolf Golombek, Frisch Centre, Norway
Saumya Pandey, CMI, Norway
Siddharth Sareen, Associate Professor, University of Stavanger
Snorre Kverndokk, Senior Research Fellow, The Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research
Stefaniya Kamenova, NTNU University Museum, NTNU University Museum
Suzette Flantua, Researcher, University of Bergen
Svenn Jensen, Oslo Metropolitan University
Tanja Winther, University of Oslo
Taran Faehn, Senior Researcher, Unit for Environmental
Akhileshwar Gupta, Institute of Management Sciences
Atta Ullah, University of Lahore
Huzaifa Zoomkawala, United Nations Industrial Development OrganizationUNIDO
Muhammad Ismail, Kohat University of Science and Technology Kohat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Qaiser Ijaz, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur
Juan Jované, Universidad de Panamá
Jose Carlos Silva-Macher, Andean Region Society for Ecological Economics, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
José de Echave, Economist, Researcher at CooperAccion
Kathleen Kristhal Zegarra Delgado, Arzobispado de Lima, Universidad Católica de Trujillo
Paulo César Delgado Neyra, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas
Raquel Neyra Soupplet, UNALM
Segundo Castro Barbaran, UNI
Elsa Villanueva, Assumption College of Davao
Kelvin Meneses, University of the Philippines, Los Baños
Ludwig O. Federian, Non-Resident Fellow, Stratbase ADR Institute
Maria Celia Malay, University of the Philippines Visayas, University of the Philippines Visayas
Wilfred Gabriel A Gapas, University of Santo Tomas, Manila
José R. C. Martins, University of Warsaw
Thurston Cleveland Hicks, University of Warsaw
Carla Gomes, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon
Joana Castro Pereira, Portuguese Institute of International Relations (IPRI), Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Joana Margarida Gaspar Cação Ribeiro, FCT-UNL
Luís Silva, Centre for Research in Anthropology
Nick Fitzpatrick, Nova University, Portugal
Pedro Resende, Professor of Mathematics, Instituto Superior Técnico
Samy Djavidnia, European Maritime Safety Agency
Yohannes Aemro, University of Coimbra
Jérémy Martins, Optiplast Consult
Victoria Golding, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Golam Rabbani, Graduate Researcher, National University of Singapore
Frantisek Vass, SAS Bratislava, Slovakia
Andrew Lawrence, Wits School of Governance, South Africa
Dr Jock Currie, Postoc Fellow, Nelson Mandela University
Gabrielle Dyson, Energy Transitions Researcher @Power Futures Lab, University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business
Garret C Barnwell, Clinical Psychologist, Nelson Mandela University
Glenn Ashton, Stellenbosch University
Marieke Norton, University of Cape Town
Nina Allchurch, FORUS Digital Exchange
Patrick Bond, University of the Western Cape
Phoebe Barnard, PhD, Stable Planet Alliance and University of Washington and University of Cape Town
Prof Salim Vally, University of Johannesburg
Professor Nicholas King, North West University
Rasigan Maharajh, Chief Director: Institute for Economic Research on Innovation, Tshwane University of Technology
Roger Maitland, Stellenbosch University
Selby Zuma, Ecology Africa Foundation
Williams S. Ebhota, Research Associate
Doruk İriş, Associate Professor, Sogang University
Jung-pil Lee, Energy & Climate Policy Institute for Just Transition
Sang-Hyun Kim, Associate Professor, Sogang University
Sun-chul Kim, Yonsei University
Antoni Rosell-Mele, ICREA research professor, Autonomous University of Barcelona
Antonio Aretxabala, Geologist, Universidad de Zaragoza
Arnim Scheidel, Researcher, Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB)
Christos Zografos, amón y Cajal Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
David Lorentzen, University of Borås
Dr Aida Luz Lopez, ICTA Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona
Dr. Alevgül Şorman, Ikerbasque Research Fellow, Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3)
E. Carolina Sañudo, Universitat de Barcelona
Eloy Sanz Pérez, Rey Juan Carlos University
Fernando Doblas, Former Spécial Advisor to European Space Agency Director-General on Innovation
Fernando Prieto, Observatorio Sostenibilidad
Ferran Campillo i López, M.D., Paediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit
Galatea Suné, CSIC
Henry Jimenez, Red Internacional sobre Cambio Climático, Energía y Derechos Humanos (RICEDH)
Jaume Albertí, UNESCO Chair in Life Cycle and Climate Change
Jens F. Peters, University of Alcalá, Department of Economics
Joan Martinez-Alier, ICTa, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Jordi L. Gutiérrez, Department of Physics, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Jose Moises Martín Carretero, Universidad Camilo José Cela
Josep M. Trigo-Rodríguez, Institute of Space Sciences (CSIC-IEEC)
Julia Neidig, Researcher, Basque Center for Climate Change
Mario Pansera, University of Vigo
Marta Moreno Muñoz, University of Granada
Michael Tress, Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO)
Neus Figueras Balaña, Institut de Ciències del Mar
Pau de Vilchez Moragues (PhD), Lecturer of International Public Law, Deputy Director of the Interdisciplinary Lab on Climate Change (LINCC)
Pere Pons, Associate Professor, University of Girona
PhD. Ernesto Suárez, Universidad de La Laguna
Professor Endrius Cocciolo, Universitat Rovira i Virgili - CEDAT
Susana Gómez‐González, Departamento de Biología, Universidad de Cádiz
Teresa Fajardo, Universidad de Granada
Tilman Hartley, Institute for Environmental Science and Technology, Autonomous University of Barcelona (ICTA-UAB)
Véronique Voyer, Doctoral Student, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Adam Ameur, Uppsala University
Alasdair Skelton, Professor of Geochemistry and Petrology, Stockholm University
Alex Vermeulen, ICOS ERIC, Carbon Portal
Alexandre Raffoul, Department of Peace and Conflict Studies, Uppsala University
Anders Giertz, PhD, Lund University
Andrew Merrie, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University
Anne von Heideman, MD, PhD
Anne-Kathrin Peters, Associate Professor in Technology Education, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
Åsa Kasimir, Associate Professor Physical Geography, University of Gothenburg
Barbara Magalhaes Teixeira, Lund University
Bengt Tholander, Oncology Department, Uppsala University Hospital
Bethanie Carney Almroth, Department of Biological & Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg
Björn Källström, Gothenburg Marine Biological Laboratory
Bo Franzén, Associate Professor, Karolinska Institutet
Bo Norrman, Dr Med Sci, Innovation Advisor
Caisa Laurell, Karolinska Institute
Carl Ekstrand, PhD, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Christophe Sturm, Climate statistician, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI)
Daniel Johansson, Stockholm Resilience Centre
Daniel Spiro, Dept. of Economics, Uppsala University
David Fopp, Senior Lecturer, Stockholm University
Diamond Tildon Respiratory Care Practitioner, Clinical Instructor & ECLS Specialist, Harborview Medical Center
Diana Morales, Karlstad University
Dorien Beeres, Karolinska Institutet
Dr Ayşem Mert, Lecturer of Environmental Politics, Department of Political Science
Dr Bregje van Veelen, Uppsala University
Dr Emma Elfversson, Uppsala University
Dr Görel Sandström, Senior Lecturer in General Linguistics, Umeå University
Dr Heike Haunstetter, ID Physician, Region Gotland
Dr Jeannette Eggers, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
Dr Johanna Lundström, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Dr Kimberly Nicholas, Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies
Dr Nina von Uexkull, Senior Lecturer, Department of Peace and Conflict Research
Dr Ola Kalén, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute
Dr Pernilla Juth, Karolinska Institute
Dr Sara Gabrielsson, Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies
Dr Stephen Woroniecki, Linköping University
Dr Thomas Hahn, Stockholm University
Eléonore Fauré, Lund University
Elin Boström Holm, Linköping University
Elina Åsbjer, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Elisabeth Ekener, Dept. Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering
Elisabeth Wijnbladh, Physician
Eric Hoddy, Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS)
Erik Glaas, Centre for Climate Science and Policy Research (CSPR), Linköping University
Erik Huss, B.Sc. and CEO, Dept. of Physical Geography
Ester Gubi, PhD-candidate, Global Public Health
Eva Lövbrand, Centre for Climate Science and Policy Research, Linköping University
Evan Drake, Lund University
Flora Hajdu, Associate Professor of Rural Development, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Fouad El Gohary, Uppsala University
Frederik Aagaard Hagemann, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Fredric Bauer, Lund University
Fredrik Envall, Department of Thematic Studies - Technology and Social Change, Linköping University
Garry Peterson, Professor, Stockholm Resilience Centre
Geneviève Metson, Linköping University
Georgia Savvidou, Chalmers University of Technology
Glenn Bark, Senior lecturer in ore geology, Luleå University of Technology
Gunilla Björklund, Water, Climate and Land Policy Consultant
Gustav Osberg, Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS)
Gustav Thungren, Managing Director, Earth System Governance Project
Guy Finkill, SVET, Lund University
Helen Avery, Centre for Environmental and Climate Science, Lund University
Helena Fornstedt, Uppsala University
Henner Busch, Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies
Henrik Petrén, Uppsala University
Henrik Thorén, Lund University, Sweden
Hyeyoon Park, Lund University
Inge-Merete Hougaard, Lund University
Ingrid Mobacke, Physician, Region Gävleborg
Ingrid Strid, PhD, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Isabelle Letellier, Institution of Child and Youth Studies, Stockholm University
Isak Stoddard, Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University
Isak Svensson, Professor in Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University
Jakob Skovgaard, Lund University
Jan J. Kuiper, Stockholm University
Jan Olsson, Professor of Political Science, Örebro University
Jennifer McConville, Associate Professor, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Jens Millkrantz, Chalmers, Science
Jeroen Melief, Karolinska Institute
Jessika Richter, Postdoctoral Researcher, Lund University
Joachim Peter Tilsted, Lund University
Joakim Crona, Uppsala University
Johan Karlsson, Stockholm International Water Institute
Johan Lindsjö, Department of Animal Environment and Health, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Johannes Theodor Aalders, Gothenburg University
Jonas Kreutzer, Lund University
Josefin Wangel, Department of Urban and Rural Development, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Juan Carlos Rocha Gordo, Stockholm University
Julia Nordblad, Associate Senior Lecturer, Department of History of Science and Ideas
Karin Öhman, Professor in Forest Planning, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Karl Holmberg, Lund University
Karolina Isaksson, Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute
Kathryn Bjorklund, Stockholm University
Kjell Vowles, Chalmers Universty of Technology
Kristin Thored, Environmental Coordinator, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Kristina Petrova, Uppsala University
Kristoffer Ekberg, Chalmers University of Technology
Lars Gunnar Rydén, Uppsala University
Lars Hylander, SLU, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Lena Hammarbäck, Vindrosen Konsult AB
Liam Carpenter-Urquhart, Stockholm University
Lina Eklund, Lund university
Linda Persson, Phd Candidate in Risk and Environmental Studies, Karlstad university
Lisa Åhrgren, Environment and Climate Change Advisor, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Lisa Lilja, Skane University Hospital Pediatric Department
Livia Sz. Olah, Associate Professor, Stockholm University
Ludwig Bengtsson Sonesson, Lund University
Magnus Boström, Örebro University
Magnus Lindskog, Associate Professor of Oncology, Uppsala University
Magnuz Engardt, Reader in Meteorology, Environment and Health Administration Stockholm
Malena Janson, Stockholm University, The Centre for the Study of Children’s Culture
Maria Eriksson, Environmental coordinator SVOA (Stockholm Water and Waste )
Marie Bengtsson, Professor, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Martin Agback, Technical System Administrator, Uppsala University
Martin Gunnar Gren, Linnaeus University
Max Åhman, Lund Univeristy
Miriam Huitric, Stockholm University
My Sellberg, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University
Naghmeh Nasiritousi, Stockholm University
Niclas Hällström, Uppsala University and WhatNext?
Olivier Ejderyan, University of Basel
Paul Glantz, Stockholm University, Department of Environmental Science
Paula Richter, Specialist Psychologist, Director of Specialist Studies
Per Fors, Assistant Professor at Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering, Uppsala University
Peter Bentzer, Lund University, Dept of anestesia and intensive care
Robin Bankel, School of Business, Economics and Law
Romina Martin, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University
Sachiko Ishihara, Uppsala University
Salvatore Paolo De Rosa, Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies, Sweden
Sasha Quahe, Global Economic Dynamics and the Biosphere Programme, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Shahin Malak, Psychologist/psychotherapists förfuture
Sofia Lindström Sol PhD, Swedish School of Library and Information Science
Suanne Segovia-Tzompa, Stockholm University
Susanna Sternberg Lewerin, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Teresa Lopez-Andujar Fustel, PhD, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Tim M. Daw, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University
Tomas Lindegaard, Linköping University
Ullvi Båve, M.D, PhD
Ulrika Risedal, MD Gothenburg Sweden
Valter Niemelä, Dept. of Neuroscience, Uppsala University
Vasna Ramasar, Lund University
Wim Carton, Lund University
Ylva Tindberg, Associate professor in pediatrics, Uppsala University
A. Katharina Keil Doctoral Researcher, Université de Lausanne
Agnieszka Sołtysik Monnet, University of Lausanne
Alexander Likhotal, Professor, Geneva School of Diplomacy and International Relations and Former President of Green Cross International
Alexandre Tuel, University of Bern
Ana Marija Jakšić, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
Andrea Ferloni, Phd Candidate, University of Lausanne
Antonin Faes Centre Suisse d'Electronique et de Microtechnique (CSEM), , Switzerland
Astrid Oppliger, Universite de Lausanne
Brigitte Portner, University of Bern
Charles-Antoine Courcoux, University of Lausanne - Faculty of Arts
Christian Arnsperger, Professor of Sustainability, University of Lausanne
Christina Hart, M.S. Sustainable Development, University of Basel
Christoph Würsch, OST Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences
Christophe Ballif, sustainable energy center, CSEM and EPFL
Cristina Lopez, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
David Gogishvili, University of Lausanne
Dominiqure Bourg, Honorary Professor, University of Lausanne
Dr Adrian Rinscheid, University of St. Gallen
Dr Gaëlle Andreatta, Senior Scientist and Strategy Manager, Centre Suisse d'Electronique et de Microtechnique CSEM SA
Dr Nicolas Tetreault, Executive Director, Center for Climate Impact and Action (CLIMACT)
Dr Pierre-Jean Alet, CSEM
Edward Mitchell, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Elke Pirgmaier, University of Lausanne
Florian Barras, University of Lausanne
Gérald Hess, University of Lausanne
Giovanni Kappenberger, former Meteorologist and Glaciologist, MeteoSwiss
Graziano Ceddia, Assistant Professor, University of Bern
Gretchen Walters, University of Lausanne
Ignes Contreiras, University of Lausanne
Jevgeniy Bluwstein, University of Fribourg
Johanna Marin Carbonne, University of Lausanne
Julia Steinberger, Professor of Ecological Economics, University of Lausanne
Kamila Ciok, Founder, Alimuradova Organisation
Leonard Creutzburg, Economic Geographer, Economist and Political Scientist
Lucile Maertens, Senior lecturer in international relations, University of Lausanne
Marianna Fernandes, University of Lausanne
Marina Cracco, Doctoral Researcher, University of Lausanne
Mikaa Mered, Secretary-General, Research Chair on Overseas Territories
Miriam Hug, University of Bern
Miriam Tola, University of Lausanne
Philipp Censkowsky, Perspectives Climate Research
Professor Hans Peter Beck, President of the Swiss Physical Society
Professor Juliet J. Fall, Department of Geography and Environment, University of Geneva
Rosa Aragão Börner, Research scientist in microbiology, Nestlé Research
Sonia Seneviratne, ETH Zurich, ETH Zurich
Tobia Spampatti, University of Geneva
Tyler Kohler, Postdoctoral Researcher, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
Yamina Saheb, Senior Researcher, Lausanne University
Yves Gärtner, Head of Project U Change, Swiss Academies of Arts and Science
Zeynep Oguz, University of Lausanne
Allen Chen, Biodiversity Research Centre, Academia Sinica
Chao-Yang Kuo, Postdocoral Researcher in Biodiversity Research Center Academia Sinica
Chien-Yi Lu, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica
Colin K Wen, Tunghai University
Dr. Stéphane De Palmas, National Taiwan University
Isheng Jason Tsai, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Kuo-Fang Chung, Academia Sinica (Taiwan)
Mao-Ning Tuanmu, Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica
Mei-Yeh Jade Lu, Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica
Rodrigo Carballo-Bolaños, National Taiwan University
Shao-Lun Liu, Tunghai University
Tzi-Yuan Wang, Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica
Yi-Shang Chang, Academia Sinica
Nisha Onta, Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management (WOCAN), PhD in Gender and Development studies from the Asian Institute of Technology
Curtis Boodoo, Ph.D., The University of Trinidad and Tobago
Gabrielle Hosein, University of the West Indies
Karim Ben Mustapha, Researcher of Marine Habitats, Institut National des Sciences et Techologies de la Mer
Ahmet Atıl Aşıcı, associate professor of economics, Istanbul Teknik Universitesi
Ali Kerem Saysel, Associate Professor in the Institute of Environmental Sciences, Boğaziçi University
Arca Yılmaz, PhD Student, Boğaziçi University
Begüm Özkaynak, Professor, Department of Economics
Defne Gonenc, Researcher, Yaşar Üniversitesi
Duygu Özçelik, Boğaziçi University
Ebru Tekin Bilbil, Ozyegin University
Fulya Sari, PhD. Candidate in Education Policy and Voice, Boğaziçi University
Irmak Ertor, Bogazici University
Levent Kurnaz, Professor of Physics, Boğaziçi University
Melis Behlil, Kadir Has University
MSc F. Sibel Saygılı Aracı, Boğaziçi University
Ömer Madra, Co-Founder, Açık Radyo (Open Radio)
Orhan Barlas, Istanbul University
Prof. Dr. Tayfun Büke, Mugla Sıtkı Kocman University
Professor Dr Fikret Adaman, Bogaziçi University
Seyfettin Erturan, Yildiz Technical University, Professor of Chemical Engineering (retired)
Zeynep Kadirbeyoglu, Boğaziçi University
Karel De Winter, Solar Industry Professional, Hy-energie FZ
Maha Ebeid, Higher Colleges of Technology, Abu Dhabi
A/Prof James Hook, Chemistry, University of New South Wales
Adrian Pike, West of England Combined Authority
Adrian Smith Professor of Technology & Society, Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex
Aidin Torkameh, York University
Akaraseth Puranasamriddhi, Researcher, University of Cambridge
Alan Cottey, University of East Anglia
Alessandra Mezzadri, Senior Lecturer, Development Studies
Alessandro Gimona, The James Hutton Institute
Alexander Shenkin, University of Oxford, Environmental Change Institute
Alexandra Morel, University of Dundee
Alexis Ioannidis, University of East Anglia
Alice Breeveld, UCL
Alice Eldridge, Co-Director of Sussex Humanities Lab, Fellow Sussex Sustainability Research Programme
Alison Smith, University of Oxford
Alister Scott, Honorary Professor of Practice, UCL Institute of Sustainable Resources
Amir Dahari, Imperial College London
André Bittar, King's College London
Andrea Bacilieri, INET, Department of Geography and the Environment
Andrea Brock, Lecturer in International Relations, University of Sussex
Andrew Marsh, University of Warwick
Andrew Mearman, University of Leeds
Andrew Simms, Co-Director, New Weather Institute
Andy Brunt, MSc. Environmental Policy & Management; BSc.(Hons), Edge Efficiency
Andy Goodwin, University of Bolton
Anna Seguros, NHS
Anne Karpf, Professor of Life Writing and Culture, London Metropolitan University
Anya Bell, University of Birmingham
Ariel Perkins, Doctoral Student, London School of Economics
Arturo Andersen Chinbuah, Technical Officer Offshore Wind, Energy Institute
Ben Michael Minogue, University of Manchester NHS Foundation Trust
Ben Verboom, Departmental Lecturer, University of Oxford
Benjamin Aslan, University College London
Benjamin Brown, Researcher, Water Witness
Benjamin Gompertz, University of Birmingham
Bethan Davies, Royal Holloway University of London
Bianca Barilla, University of Oxford
Bianca van Bavel, Priestley International Centre for Climate, University of Leeds
Bill McGuire, Professor Emeritus of Geophysical & Climate Hazards, University College London
Brett Thomas, PhD Student, Imperial College London
Brian Doherty, Keele University
Brian Huntley, Professor Emeritus, Durham University
C. Anthony Lewis, University of Plymouth
Caitríona Callan, Academic Clinical Fellow, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences
Camille Barras, University of Cambridge
Carl Edward Rasmussen, Professor of Machine Learning, Cambridge University
Carl Thomas, Imperial College London
Caroline Duvier, University of Leeds
Catherine (Kate) Rigby, Bath Spa University
Cathy d'Abreu, Oxford Brookes University
Cathy Greenhalgh, Central Research Unit, Central Saint Martins
Cecilia Chavana-Bryant, University of Oxford
Celia Deane-Drummond, Laudato Si' Research Institute, Campion Hall
Charlotte Jackson, University of Bristol
Charlotte Weatherill, PhD Researcher, University of Manchester
Charmian Larke FRSA, Atlantic Energy
Chris Mclean, University of Manchester
Christine Ramsey-Wade, University of the West of England
Christopher Berry, Professor Emeritus (Political Theory) and Honorary Professorial Research Fellow, University of Glasgow
Claire Duncanson, Senior Lecturer in International Relations, University of Edinburgh
Claire Grierson, Professor of Biological Sciences and Head of School Biology, University of Bristol
Claire Narraway, Research Manager for Naturehood, Earthwatch Europe
Clare Martynski, University of Leeds
Clare Saunders, University of Exeter
Clément Mouhot, University of Cambridge
Clifford Richardson, University of Leeds
Cllr Dr Hannah Charlotte Copley, University of Cambridge, Cambridge City Council
Colin Besaans, University of Oxford
Connor Rutherford (MSc, BSc), University of Leeds
Corey Lee Wrenn, University of Kent
Daisy Hessenberger, PhD
David Barns, PhD Researcher in Sustainable Energy Systems, University of Leeds
David Bauman, Environmental Change Institute, School of Geography and the Environment
David Brown, Senior Research Fellow, University of Warwick
David Dabydeen, Former Guyanan Ambassador, Ameena Gafoor Institute
David I. Little MA (Cantab) PhD (London), Arthur D. Little Limited (retired)
David I. Little, MA (Cantab) PhD (London)
David May, Emeritus Professor of Computer Science, University of Bristol
David Smythe, Emeritus Professor of Geophysics, University of Glasgow
David Somervell, University of Edinburgh
David Tannahill, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)
David Waltham, Department of Earth Sciences, Royal Holloway
David Western, Wallscourt Fellow in Health Technology, UWE Bristol
David Williams, Lecturer in Sustainability and the Environment., University of Leeds
Declan Owens, Director, Ecojustice Legal Action Centre
Dermot Hurley, Kings University College, London
Diane Slaouti, University of Manchester
Diego Espinosa, MSc in Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment, University College London
Dimitri Lera, Lecturer, University of Essex
Dominic Meeks, University of Sheffield
Dr Aaron Thierry, Cardiff University
Dr Abigail Perrin, Postdoctoral Research Scientist, University of York
Dr Alex Dunhill, University of Leeds
Dr Alexandra A. E. Price, Wave Energy Engineering Consultant
Dr Alison Green, President, Scientists Warning Foundation
Dr Amanda Banks Gatenby, University of Manchester
Dr Amy Clair, University of Essex
Dr Andrew Boswell, Independent Environmental Consultant, Climate Emergency Planning and Policy
Dr Andrew Kythreotis, University of Lincoln
Dr Andrew L Fanning, Doughnut Economics Action Lab, University of Leeds
Dr Anita Handa-Corrigan, Researcher and Lecturer (retired)
Dr Anna Gilchrist, University of Manchester
Dr Anoop Shah, University College London
Dr Ariadna Gonzalez, National Physical Laboratory, UK
Dr Audrey Guinchard, School of Law, University of Essex
Dr Becky Briant, Birkbeck, University of London
Dr Belinda Bell, Visiting Fellow in Social Innovation, Cambridge Judge Business School
Dr Belinda C. Hughes, Institute of Education, University of Manchester
Dr Brian McNeil, University of Strathclyde
Dr Cat Scott, University of Leeds
Dr Celia Martin Puertas, Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Research Fellow, Royal Holloway University of London
Dr Charlie Gardner, Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology, University of Kent
Dr Christine Greenhalgh, The University of Manchester
Dr Clare Embling, Associate Professor in Marine Ecology, University of Plymouth
Dr Clive Fox, Scottish Association for Marine Science
Dr Conor McHugh, Dept. of Philosophy, University of Southampton
Dr David Cooper, Manchester Metropolitan University, Centre for Place Writing
Dr David Richardson, University of the West of England
Dr Demosthenes Tambakis, Senior Research Fellow, University of Cambridge
Dr Diane Harris, University of Manchester
Dr Drew Milne, University of Cambridge
Dr Ed Atkins, Lecturer at the School of Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol
Dr Ellen Quigley, Principal Research Associate, University of Cambridge
Dr Emily Cox, Cardiff University
Dr Emily Griffiths, The University of Manchester
Dr Emily Heath, Lancaster University
Dr Emma Garnett, University of Cambridge
Dr Eva Novotny, University of Cambridge
Dr F Qureshi, Postdoctoral Scientist, Desborough College
Dr Fabio Parente, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Derby
Dr Fatih Uenal, Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge
Dr Frederique Janssen-Lauret, University of Manchester
Dr Gary Fuller, Imperial College London
Dr James Rae, University of St Andrews
Dr Jan Maskell, Scientists for Global Responsibility
Dr Jason Hickel, London School of Economics and Goldsmiths, University of London
Dr Jennifer Hirst, University of Oxford
Dr Jennifer M.B. Wallace, University of Cambridge
Dr Jessica Britton, University of Exeter
Dr Jesus Martinez-Garcia, University of Essex
Dr Jim McQuaid, University of Leeds
Dr Jo Shuttleworth, Manchester Institute of Education, University of Manchester
Dr Joanne S Porter, Heriot Watt University
Dr John Colvin, Executive Director, Emerald Network Ltd
Dr John Faithfull, University of Glasgow
Dr John Owens, King's College London
Dr Kara Laing, CMath CEng, University of East Anglia (UEA)
Dr Kate Symons, Lecturer in Global Development, Open University
Dr Katrina Mulholland, Senior Lecturer in Science, St Mary's University College Belfast
Dr Katy Roelich, University of Leeds
Dr Keith Baker, Researcher in Fuel Poverty & Energy Policy, Built Environment Asset Management Centre
Dr Kevin Flint, Nottingham Trent University
Dr Kimberley Bennett, Lecturer in Biomedical Science, Abertay University
Dr Laura Fogg-Rogers, Senior Lecturer, University of the West of England
Dr Lucie Middlemiss, Sustainability Research Institute, University of Leeds
Dr Malaika Cunningham, University of Surrey
Dr Marion Hersh, University of Glasgow
Dr Mathieu Blondeel, Warwick Business School
Dr Melissa Bedinger, Heriot-Watt University
Dr Michael Fairbank, University of Essex, UK
Dr Michal Nachmany, Founder, Climate Policy Radar and Visiting Fellow
Dr Michelle Cain, Cranfield University
Dr Mieke Snijder, Institute of Development Studies
Dr Mika Peck, Senior Lecturer in Conservation Biology, University of Sussex
Dr Mike Hannis, Senior Lecturer in Ethics, Politics and Environment
Dr Miles Thompson, UWE Bristol
Dr Natalie Jones, Research Associate, Centre for the Study of Existential Risk
Dr Natalie Kopytko, Lecturer, University of Leeds
Dr Neil Jennings, Grantham Institute Climate Change and the Environment, Imperial College London
Dr Nicholas Beuret, University of Essex
Dr Nicholas S.J. Watts, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London
Dr Nick Brooks, Director, Garama 3C and Visiting Research Fellow
Dr Oscar Berglund, University of Bristol
Dr Paul Anastasiades, University of Bristol
Dr Paul Bretherton, City University of London
Dr Paul Brockway, University of Leeds
Dr Paul Marchant, CStat, University of Leeds
Dr Pauline von Hellermann, Senior Lecturer in Anthropology, Goldsmiths University
Dr Perla Polanco Leal, The University of Sheffield
Dr Peter Alway, Loughborough University
Dr Peter Doran, Queens University Belfast
Dr Petra Tjitske Kalshoven, University of Manchester
Dr Philip Catney, Keele University
Dr Pierre Bocquillon, Lecturer in Politics, University of East Anglia
Dr Poppy Harding, Royal Holloway, University of London
Dr Ragini G Roy, Co-founder and Director of Global Programmes & Impact, Centre for Big Synergy
Dr Rebecca Phillips, University of Manchester
Dr Richard Carmichael, Imperial College London
Dr Richard Oduro, University of Leeds
Dr Robert Leek, University of Birmingham
Dr Roger Bentley, Petroleum Analysis Centre
Dr Rory Padfield, University of Leeds
Dr Rowan Williams, Honorary Professor of Contemporary Christian Thought, University of Cambridge and 104th Archbishop of Canterbury
Dr Ruth Gelletlie, Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health Medicine
Dr Samantha Oates, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Birmingham
Dr Sara Lodge, University of St Andrews
Dr Scott Leatham, Lecturer in Political Ecology, Centre for Alternative Technology & University of Edinburgh
Dr Shamira A. Meghani, University of Cambridge
Dr Sheridan Few, Leeds University
Dr Sherry Zaman, NHS
Dr Simon Rushton, University of Sheffield
Dr Steven Dempster, Bishop Burton College
Dr Steven J. Courtney, Education Research Coordinator, University of Manchester
Dr Stuart Capstick, Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations, Cardiff University
Dr Stuart Parkinson, Scientists for Global Responsibility
Dr Susan M. Arnott, University of Westminster
Dr Szilvia Bajkan, University of Oxford
Dr Tarje Nissen-Meyer, University of Oxford
Dr Taslima Ivy, Senior Tutor, University of Manchester
Dr Teresa Lappe-Osthege, University of Sheffield
Dr Tobias Müller, University of Cambridge
Dr Tom Barker, Senior Lecturer, Graduate School of the Environment
Dr Tristram D. Wyatt, University of Oxford
Dr Valeria Scagliotti, King's College London
Dr Xiaoxiao Ma, University of Leeds
Dr. Corrado Topi, Stockholm Environment Institute, University of York
Dr. Gary Motteram, Manchester Institute of Education Universit of Manchester, UK
Dr. Laurie Phillips, Stephenson Institute for Renewable Energy, University of Liverpool
Dr. Rosalie Callway, Senior Research Associate, Population Health Studies University of Bristol
Duncan Kelly, Professor of Political Thought and Intellectual History, University of Cambridge
Duncan McLaren, Lancaster Environment Centre
Edward (Ted) Benton, Professor of Sociology, University of Essex
Elena Hofferberth, University of Leeds
Elia Valentini, Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology and Centre for Brain Science
Elizabeth Schafer, Royal Holloway, University of London
Ellie Sherrard-Smith, Advanced Research Fellow, Imperial College London
Elliott Woodhouse, University of Sheffield
Emeritus Professor Joy Carter, CBE DL, University of Winchester
Emeritus Professor Wendy Hollway, Open University
Emilie Darke, Artist and Pre Medical Student, Pre Medical Student/Veterinarian
Emily Doyle, University of Exeter
Emily Marsay, PhD researcher, University of Exeter
Emily McGiffin, University College London
Emily Sandford, University of Cambridge
Emma Glennon, University of Cambridge
Emma O’Neill, NHS
Emmanuel Aramendia, University of Leeds
Eoin Mac Réamoinn, University of Oxford
Ervin Bossanyi, Bristol University (vVsiting Professor) and DNV
Esme Staunton Howe, University of Sussex
Evelyn Tehrani, Durham Energy Institute, Durham University
Fabien Moustard, University College London
Fiona Clarke, King's College London
Fiona Maisels, University of Stirling/ WCS
Frances Hill, Senior Lecturer and Energy Subject Lead, Graduate School of the Environment
Frank Ryan, Imperial College
Fraser Anderson, University of Edinburgh
Freddie Daley, Researcher, University of Sussex
Freya Roberts, Climate Risk Communication Fellow, UCL Climate Action Unit
Freya Sierhuis, Senior Lecturer, University of York
Gabriela Cabaña, anthropology PhD candidate, London School of Economics and Political Science
Gaia Vince, Honorary Senior Research Fellow, University College London Anthropocene Institute
Garry Squires, Professor of Educational Psychology, SEN and Inclusion
Gavin Daly (PhD Candidate), University of Liverpool
Gavin ONeill, Financial Conduct Authority
Geethanjali Pavar, University of Edinburgh
Gema Vera, Imperial College London
Geraud de Ville, Fellow of the Institute for Environmental Security, Cobra Collective CIC
Gerry Lowe, Mount Vernon Cancer Centre
Ghizzi Dunlop, BSc Hons Biological Sciences, PCET PGCE Science Educator
Gisa Weszkalnys, London School of Economics
Giulia Champion, The University of Warwick
Giulia Scarpa, University of Leeds
Glenis K Scadding, University College London
Gonzalo Albaladejo-Robles, University College London
Grace W. Lindsay, PhD, University College London
Greg Ryan, London Metropolitan University
Gregory Norminton, Manchester Metropolitan University
Guillaume Delhaye, Postdoc Researcher at Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, University of Oxford
Guillermo Ivan Pereira, The University of Manchester
Guy Crawford, University of Leeds
Hannah Hughes, Cardiff University
Hannah Knox, Associate Professor of Anthropology, University College London
Hannah Malcolm, Theology PhD Candidate, Durham University
Hans W Dorr, Middlesex University
Harland Rivas Cooper, PhD Student, University of Leeds
Hartley Selman MRSC, Royal Society of Chemistry
Helen Cornish, Goldsmiths University
Helen Louise Turton, Lecturer, University of Sheffield
Helen Skilton, Greater Brighton Metropolitan College
Helen Whitall, Environmental Scientist, The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
Holly Armstrong, University of St Andrews
Iain Struthers, PhD Candidate, University of Edinburgh
Ian Abbott-Donnelly, Cambridge University Centre for Science & Policy (Associate)
Ian Ashton, University of Exeter
Ian Bailey, University of Plymouth
Ian Christie, University of Surrey
Ian Hunt, Goldsmiths, University of London
Ian Scoones, Institute of Development Studies, Sussex
Ian Sullivan, University of Leeds
Illana Adamson, Kingston University
Imogen Clark, Labcorp Drug Development, Univeristy of Exeter
Isaac J. Stopard, Imperial College London
Isaac Squires, Imperial College London
Isabela Butnar, UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources
Isobel Maddison, Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge
Itahisa González Álvarez, University of Leeds
Jack Johnson, University of St Andrews
Jack Lowe, Royal Holloway, University of London
Jake Wilkinson, Cardiff University
James Bell, Marine Ecologist, Natural History Museum
James Bullock, U.K. Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
James Dyke, Assistant Director Global Systems Institute, University of Exeter
James King, Leverhulme Centre for Climate Change Mitigation, University of Sheffield
James Vaccaro, RePattern.org, Tutor
Jan Selby, University of Sheffield
Jane Hindley, Interdisciplinary Studies Centre, University of Essex
Jarmo Kikstra, PhD Candidate Imperial College London and International Institute for Applied System Analysis
Jason Glynos, University of Essex
Jason Scott-Warren, University of Cambridge
Jayalaxshmi Mistry, Professor of Environmental Geography, Royal Holloway University of London
Jazz Rhoades, PhD Researcher in Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Stirling
Jeet Makadia, Cranfield University
Jefim Voel, University of Leeds
Jens-Arne Subke, Professor in Terrestrial Ecosystems and Environmental Change, University of Stirling
Jeremie Gilbert, University of Roehampton
Jessica Hope, Lecturer in Sustainable Development, University of St Andrews
Jessica Payne, University of Leeds
Jill Belch, Professor of Vascular Medicine, University of Dundee
Jo Winning, Professor of Modern Literature & Critical Theory, Birkbeck
Joanna Gilar, University of Chichester
Joanna Tidy, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Sheffield
Jodie Bettis, ESRC Researcher, The Open University
Joe McLewin, Birkbeck, Department of Geography
John Barry, Professor of Green Political Economy, Queen’s University Belfast
John Brissenden, Senior Lecturer, University of Westminster
John Foster, Honorary Teaching Fellow, Lancaster University
John Guillebaud, Emeritus Professor of Family Planning and Reproductive Health, University College
Jonas Scholz, Imperial College London
Jonathan Booth, AstraZeneca
Jonathan Kishen Gamu, Assistant Professor International Politics, University of Sheffield
Joseph Wallwork, Imperial College London
Josie Coburn, SPRU - Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex
Josie Dahne, University of Southampton
Juan Carlos Calanchini, Architect, Editor & Assistant Professor
Juanita Cox, PhD, Research Fellow
Julia Martin Ortega, University of leeds
Julian Williams, Professor of Education, University of Manchester
Julius G. Bright Ross, PhD, University of Oxford
Julius Weitzdoerfer, Center for the Study of Existential Risk, University of Cambridge
Kaisa Saarinen, University of Oxford
Kamil Jaron, The University of Edinburgh
Karim Kacper Alaa El-Din, Imperial College London
Kate Jeffery, Professor of Behavioural Neuroscience, University College London
Kate Macintosh, MBE RIBA HFRIAS, Royal Institute of British Architects
Kate Scott, University of Manchester
Kate Soper, Emeritus Professor (Philosophy), London Metropolitan University
Katherine Crichton, School of Geography, University of Exeter
Kathryn Hochstetler, London School of Economics and Political Science
Keith Kirby, Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford
Kenneth Chance-Larsen, University of Central Lancashire
Keren Weitzberg, Visiting Research Fellow, University College London
Keri Facer, Professor of Education and Social Futures, University of Bristol
Kerry Burton, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Exeter
Kevin Anderson, Prof. Energy & Climate Change, Universities of Manchester & Uppsala
Kirsten O'Sullivan, PhD Researcher in Forest Ecology, University of Stirling
Kirstie ONeill, Cardiff University
Kirsty Park, University of Stirling
Kit Rackley, University of East Anglia
Laura Bannister, World Basic Income
Laura Berry, Research Lead, Climate Clock
Laura Black, University of Manchester
Laura Hart, University of Sussex
Laurel Cleugh Thompson, University College London
Laurence Kenney, Professor of Rehabilitation Technologies, University of Salford
Laurence Watson, Data Scientist and Analyst, Future Energy Associates
Laurie Laybourn-Langton, Visting Fellow, Global Systems Institute
Laurie Stras, Professor Emerita, University of Southampton
Leslie Sklair, Emeritus Professor, London School of Economics and Political Science
Leylâ Gediz, Goldsmiths College
Liam Yasin, Imperial College London
Lily Peck, Grantham Institute, Imperial College London
Lisa Stampnitzky, Lecturer in Politics, University of Sheffield
Louise Cooper, Imperial College
Louise Lindström, Environmental Science, Open University
Lucas Mackie, Imperial College London
Lucy Delap, University of Cambridge
Lucy Ford, Oxford Brookes University
Lucy Noakes, Rab Butler Professor of Modern History, University of Essex
Lucy van de Wiel, King's College London
Luigi Lunardon, Huawei UKRD
Lynn Bjerke, The Institute of Cancer Research
M.E. D'Arcy BSc(Hons), Leicester University
Manon Burbidge, University of Manchester
Marcel Llavero Pasquina, University of Cambridge
Margaret McKeen, The James Hutton Institute
Maria Mensah, Royal Holloway University London
Maria Pampaka, University of Manchester
Maria Portela, Imperial College London
Mariana Reyes, Queen Mary University of London
Marie Guillot, University of Essex, University of Essex
Marie Juanchich, University of Essex
Marieke Navin, Science Festival Director, Cheltenham Science Festival
Marina Baldissera Pacchetti, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds
Mark A. Maslin, Professor of Earth System Science, University College London
Mark Campanale, Founder, Carbon Tracker Initiative
Mark Hamilton, Lancaster University
Mark Hardy, Clinical Scientist, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
Mark Langdon, University of the West of Scotland
Marta Baltruszewicz (University of Leeds), University of Leeds
Martin Poulsom, University of Roehampton
Martin Reed, Professor, University of Essex
Mary Laven, University of Cambridge
Matt Burke, University of East Anglia
Matt Watson, Department of Geography, University of Sheffield
Matthew Ashpole, Queen's University Belfast
Matthew Paterson, Professor of International Politics, University of Manchester
Matthew Shribman, MChem (Oxon), Co-Founder
Matthias Röhrig Assunção, University of Essex
Mattias Hjort, Teaching Fellow, University of Birmingham
Max Lacey-Barnacle, University of Sussex
Melinda Watson, Realising Another World (RAW) Foundation
Melis Ece, University of Sussex
Michael Calderbank, Researcher
Michael Edwards, Bartlett UCL
Michael Lomotey, FRSA, MSc.
Michel Mason, University of Essex
Michele ValsecchiI, Imperial College London
Michelle Shipworth, Associate Professor, UCL Energy Institute
Milena Buchs, University of Leeds
Mohammad Akrami, University of Exeter
Mr Joe McLewin, Birkbeck
Nathalie Pettorelli, Zoological Society of London
Neil McCulloch, The Policy Practice
Niamh Tickner, University of Sussex
Nick Foster, University of Leicester
Nick Owens, University of Kent
Nick Robins, Professor in Practice, Sustainable Finance
Nigel Clark, Professor of Social Sustainabilty, Lancaster University
Nikki Tagg, Conservation Scientist, Born Free Foundation
Nils Markusson, Lancaster University
Oliver Perkins, Kings College London
Owen Green, University of Huddersfield
Paloma Ortega Arriaga, PhD Candidate, Imperial College London
Pat Tookey, Retired Epidemiologist
Patrick Ainley, Educational Board Member 'Post-16 Educator'
Paul Chatterton, Professor of Urban Futures, University of Leeds
Paul Hanel, University of Essex
Paul Lickiss, Professor of Organometallic Chemistry, Imperial College
Paul N. Pearson, Cardiff University
Paul Osborn, Retired Research Scientist
Paul Tobin, Associate Professor of Politics, University of Manchester
Pavana Koragappa, Cranfield University
Penny Hubbard Cristinacce, Research Fellow, The University of Manchester
Peter E Shaw, Emeritus Professor, University of Nottingham
Peter Howson, Northumbria University
Peter Knapp, Air Quality, Imperial College London
Peter Millington, University of Nottingham
Peter Newell, Professor of International Relations, University of Sussex
Philip Erm, University of Cambridge
Philip Strange, Emeritus Professor of Pharmacology, University of Reading
Prafulla Sujatha Nagesh, University of Manchester
Priyamvada Gopal, Professor of Postcolonial Studies in the Faculty of English, Teaching Fellow at Churchill College
Prof Chris Rapley CBE, Professor of Climate Science, University College London
Prof Jeff Waage OBE, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London
Professor Alan Blyth, National Centre for Atmospheric Science, University of Leeds
Professor Alistair S. Jump, Global Change Ecologist, University of Stirling
Professor Anne Robertson, University of Roehampton
Professor Anthony Costello, UCL, chair
Professor Ben Allanach, University of Cambridge
Professor Chris D. Clark, University of Sheffiled
Professor Dan Osborn, Chair of Human Ecology, Earth Sciences
Professor David Curtis, University College London
Professor David Humphreys, Open University
Professor David Ockwell, University of Sussex
Professor Deborah Gill, University of Oxford
Professor Digby J Tantam, New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling, Middlesex University
Professor Eithne Quinn, University of Manchester
Professor Emmy van Deurzen, Existential Academy
Professor Eric Herring, University of Bristol
Professor Erica Burman, University of Manchester
Professor Erik Swyngedouw, The University of Manchester
Professor Fraser Macbride, University of Manchester
Professor Gordon Walker, Lancaster University
Professor Hugh Dunkerley, University of Chichester
Professor Ian Brooks, University of Leeds
Professor Ian Sommerville, St Andrews University, Scotland
Professor Ioannis Ioannou, Associate Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, London Business School
Professor Irene McMullin, Philosophy, University of Essex
Professor James Bullock, UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
Professor Jeremy Moss, Professor of Political Philosophy and Director of the Practical Justice Initiative at the University of New South Wales
Professor John Marsham, University of Leeds, UK
Professor Karen Sayer, Leeds Trinity University
Professor Kirsty Penkman, Department of Chemistry, University of York
Professor Mandy Rose, Professor of Documentary & Digital Cultures in the School of Film & Journalism, UWE Bristol
Professor Mark Whitehead, Department of Geography and Earth Science, Aberystwyth University
Professor Matthew Cotton, Teesside University
Professor Mick Grierson, University of the Arts London
Professor Mike Clarke
Professor Molly Scott Cato, Professor of Green Economics, Roehampton University
Professor Neil B. Metcalfe, Professor of Behavioural Ecology, University of Glasgow
Professor Nick Cowern, Newcastle University
Professor Nicola Ansell, Brunel University London
Professor Patricia Riddell, University of Reading
Professor Penny Gowland, Professor of Physics, University of Nottingham
Professor Philip Hancock, University of Essex
Professor Rob Wilson, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of St Andrews
Professor Simon Caney, University of Warwick
Professor Simone Abram, Durham Energy Institute, Durham University
Professor Sophie Hambleton, Newcastle University, UK
Professor Stephany Griffith-Jones, IDS, Sussex University
Professor Stephen Hyde, University of Oxford
Professor Steven Jones, University of Manchester
Professor Susan Page, University of Leicester
Professor Tim Jackson, University of Surrey
Rachel Bray, Research Associate, University of Strathclyde
Rachel Carr-Whitworth, University of Leeds
Rachel Drage, University of Birmingham
Rachel Killean, Senior Lecturer in the School of Law and a Fellow in the Senator George J. Mitchell Institute for Global Peace Security and Justice, Queen’s University Belfast
Rachel Whitty, University of Leeds
Rebecca Booth, AstraZeneca
Rebecca Nestor, Doctoral Researcher and Board Member, Climate Psychology Alliance
Redell Olsen, Royal Holloway, University of London
Rene Banares-Alcantara, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford
Ricardo Pereira, Reader in Law, Cardiff University
Richard Cochrane, University of Exeter
Richard Hoggett, Cardiff University
Richard J. Roberts, 1993 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine New England Biolabs
Richard Lane, University of Sussex
Richard Pancost, University of Bristol
Richard Templer, Director of Innovation, the Grantham Institute
Robert Macfarlane, Professor of Literature and the Environmental Humanities, University of Cambridge
Robert Wade, Queen's University Belfast
Roberto Cantoni, University of Sussex
Robin Pakeman, The James Hutton Institute
Ronan Agnew, glacier geophysicist, University of Leeds
Ronan Murphy, University of Leeds
Rosalie Callway, School of Medical Sciences, University of Bristol
Rosemary Tawn, University of Strathclyde
Rupert Stuart-Smith, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford
Ryan Lanham, Private Researcher
Sally Weintrobe, Researcher, Chair
Salvador Moncada, Emeritus Professor, The University of Manchester
Sam Adelman, University of Warwick
Sam Betts-Davies, Centre for Research in Energy Demand Solutions, Sustainability Research Institute
Sam Harrison, University of Strathclyde
Samuel Booth, Research Associate, University of Sheffield
Samuel Finnerty, Psychology, Lancaster University
Sara Peres, University of Southampton
Sarah Butler, Manchester Metropolitan University
Saurabh Arora, University of Sussex
Seb O'Connor, University of Leeds
Sebastian Vacas-Oleas, University of Oxford
Serge Neumand, Water Witness International
Shannon Kennedy, Public Health Specialty Registrar, Yorkshire and the Humber School of Public Health
Shelley Trower, University of Roehampton
Shorouk Elkobrsi, European Science Foundation
Sian Morgan, Lecturer, University of Manchester
Simon Barrow, Theologian, Ekklesia
Simon L. Lewis, Professor of Global Change Science, University College London
Simon Mair, Lecturer in Circular Economy, School of Management
Simon Taylor, Co-Founder & Director, Global Witness
Sir Jonathon Porritt, Co-Founder, Forum for the Future
Sonja Franke-Arnold, University of Glasgow
Stefan Bouzarovski, Professor of Human Geography, University of Manchester
Stephan Lewandowsky, University of Bristol
Steve Green, Chartered Chemical Engineer
Steve Tombs, The Open University
Steve Waygood, Aviva Investors
Stuart Campbell, University of Sheffield
Susan Barker, Lecturer, Manchester Metropolitan University
Susan Brown, University of Manchester
Susan Quick, University of Birmingham
Teresa Torres, University of Essex
Thiago Kanashiro Uehara, Imperial College London
Thomas Kerr, NHSGGC
Tim Brown, University of Surrey
Tim Coxon, University of Brighton
Tim Cresswell, University of Edinburgh
Tim Rayner, University of East Anglia
Tina Christmann, University of Oxford
Tina Teearu, Botanist and Environmental Ecologist
Tony Warne, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Tracy Lyons, Pharmacist, NHS
Ulrich Volz, SOAS, University of London
Valentina Scarponi, D., University of Sussex
Valeria Tolis, Lecturer at Cardiff University, Cardiff University
Vanessa Taylor, University of Greenwich
Varyl Thorndycraft, Royal Holloway University of London
Verner Viisainen, PhD Candidate, Department of Engineering
Victoria Clarke, University of Leeds
Victoria Hoare, Imperial College London
Vijay Tymms, Imperial College London
Viktoria Spaiser, Associate Professor in Sustainability Research and Computational Social Science, University of Leeds
Wan Muhammad Saefullah, King's College London
Wasif Sajjad, Birkbeck, University of London
Wiliam Hamish McCullough MacDonald, Imperial College London
William Cameron, University of Exeter, Solar Energy Research Group
Wolfgang Jabs, Retired architect/lecturer, Dundee University
Xavier Lemaire, Institute for Sustainable Resources, University College London
Yadvinder Malhi, Professor of Ecosystem Science, Environmental Change Institute
Yanbin Guo, University of Leeds
Yannick Oswald, University of Leeds
Yixian Sun, Assistant Professor in International Development, University of Bath
Yuliya Yurchenko, Senior Lecturer in Political Economy, University of Greenwich
Yuya Ra, Imperial College London
Zephyr Penoyre, Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge
David Combosch, Associate Professor of Population Genetics, University of Guam
Mari Deinhart, Research Associate, University of Guam
Aaron Chavez, University of California, Davis
Aaron Sachs, Professor of History, Cornell University
Adam Aron, Professor, University of California San Diego
Adam Schneider, CIRES Affiliate, University of Colorado
Aimé Fournier, MIT
Ajinkya More, Electrical Engineer, Syracuse University
Alaina Boyle, PhD Candidate, Northeastern University
Alan Crook, Ecologist
Alan R Richards, University of California Santa Cruz
Alan R. Emery, KIVU Nature Inc. (PhD at University of Miami, Florida)
Alex Kurki, Erasmus Mundus Scholar, MA
Alexandra Perkins, MD, MPH
Alfred Schademan, California State University Chico
Alison Keimowitz, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Vassar College
Alissa Russell, Indiana University
Allison Rose, Colorado State University
Alon Raab, University of California, Davis
Amanda E. Wooden, Associate Professor of Environmental Studies & Sciences, Bucknell University
Amanda Jo Goldstein, University of California, Berkeley
Amy Johnson MD, Physician
Amy Woodson-Boulton, Loyola Marymount University
Andrea Frank, SUNY New Paltz
Andrea Reimer, Loeb Fellow '19, Harvard Graduate School of Design and Adjunct Professor of Practice
Andrew Hoffman, University of Pennsylvania
Andrew Joseph Scerri, Political Science & International Studies, Virginia Tech
Andrew Norton, (PhD) retired physicist
Andrew R. Droste, Head of Stewardship, Carbon Tracker Initiative
Anna Blume, PhD, Fashion Institute of Technology
Anna Gomes, PhD Student, Stanford University
Anna Nikkarinen, Institution of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology
Anne Ernst, Skidmore College
Anne Marie Creighton, Anthropology PhD Candidate, University of Michigan
Anne Marie Goetz, Clinical Professor, New York University
Anne Toomey, Pace University
Anthony M Shelton, Cornell University, Dept of Entomology
Anthony Mario Bonacolta, Marine Microbial Ecologist, University of Miami
Antonina Markoff, Climate Reality Project California Coalition of Chapters
April Myers, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Arturo A Keller, Professor, Bren School of Environmental Science & Management
Arturo Escobar, Dept. of Anthropology, University of North Carolina
Ashley Miller, Associate Professor, Albion College
Ashwani Vasishth, Ramapo College of New Jersey
Attila Schillinger, former graduate student, Conflict Resolution specialized in Climate Change University of Oregon
Audrey Plummer-Tulloch, Downstate Medical Center
Augustus Saalfeld, University Student, Carnegie Mellon University
Baerbel Hoenisch, Columbia University
Barton Rubenstein, Scientist, Mother Earth Project
Beatrice Wayne, Harvard University
Beau Bree Rhee, Parsons School of Design & affiliated faculty at The Tishman Environment and Design Center at The New School
Ben Campbell, Durham University
Ben Kintner, Oregon Institute of Technology
Ben Mylius, Columbia University
Ben Shneiderman, Distinguished University Professor in the Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland
Ben Zaitchik, Johns Hopkins University
Benjamin Franta, PhD, Stanford University
Benjamin Lieberman, Fitchburg State University
Benoit Pasquier, University of Southern California
Beth Blissman, Sustainable Agriculture Program (SAGR), Lorain County Community College
Beth Van De Water, Occidental College
Betsy Bolton, Swarthmore College
Betsy Eudey, Gender Studies, California State University Stanislaus
Beverly E. Law, Professor Emeritus of Global Change Biology, Oregon State University
Bill McKibben, Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Bineh Ndefru, B. John Garrick Institute for the Risk Sciences, UCLA
Brandon Wolfe-Hunnicutt, Associate Professor of History, California State University Stanislaus
Breena Holland, Associate Professor, Political Science & The Environmental Initiative
Brendan Mapes, Research Associate, University of North Carolina
Brett Joseph, Visiting Assistant Professor, Oberlin College
Brian Czyzyk, University of North Texas, University of North Texas
Briana Anderson, M.S., Metropolitan Community College
Bruce Davis, Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility
Bruce Wielicki, retired NASA Climate Scientist, NASA Langley Research Center
Bryant W Buchanan, Professor of Biology, Utica College
Bryn Huxley-Reicher, Clean Energy Policy Associate, Frontier Group
Buz Barstow, Cornell University
Caleb Gallemore, International Affairs Program, Lafayette College
Carl Mears, Climate Scientist, Remote Sensing Systems
Carlie D. Trott, PhD, University of Cincinnati
Carlos Ferreyra, International Citizens & Civil Society Organizations for Planet, ICCSOPLANET
Carol-Ann Farkas, MCPHS University
Carolin Schellhorn, Saint Joseph's University
Caroline Levine, Ryan Professor of the Humanities, Cornell University
Caroline Light, Director of Undergraduate Studies in Harvard's Program in Studies of Women, Gender
Carroll Muffett, President, Center for International Environmental Law
Cecilia Bitz, Climate Scientist, University of Washington
Celeste Royce, MD. Assistant Professor, Obstetrics
CF Radeker, FRMC, Berkeley Haas School of Business
Charles C. Chester, Brandeis University
Charles Derber, Dept of Sociology, Morrissey College of Arts & Sciences at Boston College
Charles H Greene, Cornell University
Charles S Adams Professor of Physics, Durham University
Chase Hobbs-Morgan, University of California, Santa Barbara
Chelsea M. Peterson, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Chelsea Schelly, PhD, Department of Social Sciences
Chris Nelder, Energy Analyst and Host, Energy Transition Show
Chris Oestereich, Linear to Circular, Lecturer
Christian H. Floyd, Professor in the Biology Department, University of Rhode Island
Christopher Kim, Arizona State University
Christopher R. Cox, PhD Candidate, University of Washington
Christopher Rounds, Research Scientist, University of Minnesota Twin Cities
Christopher Still, Professor of Forest Ecosystems and Society, Oregon State University
Clair Brown, University of California, Berkeley
Colin Smith, Case Western Reserve University
Conor MacDonnell, PhD Graduate Fellow at University of Florida.
Constance M Soja, Professor of Geology (retired), Colgate University
Courtney BuckwalteR, Arizona State University
Cydney Wang, University of Georgia
Cyrus C. Taylor, Albert A. Michelson Professor in Physics, Case Western Reserve University
Daniel Aldana Cohen, Assistant Professor of Sociology and Director, Socio-Spatial Climate Collaborative
Daniel Deudney, Johns Hopkins University
Daniel DiResta, Senior Lecturer, Biology Department
Daniel Hirschman, BrownAssistant Professor of Sociology, Brown University
Daniel Lipson, Associate Professor, Political Science & International Relations Department
Daniel P Holschneider, University of Southern California, Keck School of Medicine
Daniel T. Blumstein, Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California
Daniel Wennberg, Department of Applied Physics, Stanford University
Daniel Williams, Assistant Professor of Literature, Bard College
Daniel Worden, Rochester Institute of Technology
Danielle Sofer, University of Dayton
Dave Litton, Senior Scientist, Airviz
David Elmer, Eliot Professor of Greek Literature, Harvard University
David Gaian, Star Scientific Limited
David Gillikin, Professor of Geology, Union College
David J. Robinson, Dellplain Professor of Latin American Geography, Syracuse University
David K Weinstein PhD, Lead Scientist, Ocean Rescue Alliance
David Klein, Professor of Mathematics, California State University Northridge
David Krantz, National Science Foundation IGERT Fellow, Arizona State University
David L Levy, Professor of Management, University of Massachusetts
David M. Frank, Brown University
David Shalloway, Greater Philadelphia Professor in Biological Sciences Emeritus, Cornell University
Deanna K. Kreisel, Associate Professor of English, The University of Mississippi
Deborah Avant, University of Denver
Deia Schlosberg, Pale Blue Dot Media
Dennis J Rowan, REIV2G network
Devin Griffiths, Associate Professor of English and Comparative Literature, University of Southern California
Devin Short, University of Washington
Diamond Tildon, Respiratory Care Practitioner, Clinical Instructor & ECLS Specialist
Diane Hoffman, University of Virginia
Divya Pandey, University of Virginia
Dominic Boyer, Rice University
Dominick A DellaSala, Chief Scientist, Wild Heritage
Dominique Bachelet, Oregon State University
Donald Drake, Botany Department, University of Hawaii
Donald Haider-Markel, University of Kansas
Donald Potts, Professor of Biology, University of California
Donald W. Henderson PhD, Cornell Univ. / IBM / Retired
Doreen Stabinsky, Professor of Global Environmental Politics, College of the Atlantic
Doris Sommer, Harvard University
Douglas Fenner, PhD, Contractor
Dr Adam Holmes, Department of Chemistry, Virginia Tech
Dr Alex Lenferna, University of Washington
Dr Andrew Jorgenson, Boston College
Dr Barbara Ransby, Director, Social Justice Initiative
Dr Bill Rosenthal, Retired Associate Professor of Mathematics, Engineering
Dr Brian Roberts, Associate Director of Science, Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium
Dr Christy Dolph, PhD, Department of Ecology
Dr Claire Ravenscroft, Southeastern Louisiana University
Dr Claudia J. Ford, Professor, Department of Environmental Studies
Dr Craig Kauffman, Associate Professor of Environmental Politics, University of Oregon
Dr Dargan M. W. Frierson, Climate Scientist, University of Washington
Dr Devyani Singh, Post-Doctoral Fellow, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
Dr Dina Mirijanian, City Research Scientist, City of New York
Dr Elizabeth Sherman, Bennington College
Dr Eric C. Miller, Associate Professor of Communication Studies, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
Dr Eric J Olson, Affiliated Researcher, Brandeis University
Dr Erika Bockstael, Researcher
Dr Gary Harbour, Climate Reality, South Carolina Upstate
Dr Genevieve Guenter, Affiliate Faculty, Tishman Environment and Design Center
Dr Geoffrey Supran, Harvard University
Dr Glenn Jaecks, American River College
Dr Heather Davis, Assistant Professor of Culture and Media, Eugene Lang College
Dr Jesse Salah Ovadia, University of Windsor
Dr John Iskra, Emory and Henry College
Dr Konuralp Pamukcu, University of Phoenix
Dr Kristina Soman-Faulkner, Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility
Dr Lucky Tran, March for Science
Dr Piyush Garg, Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Virginia
Dr Rafael Lopez-Mobilia, The University of Texas at San Antonio
Dr Ronnie D. Lipschutz, Sustainable Systems Research Foundation
Dr Sarah Myhre, CO2 Foundation, Founder and Executive Director of the Rowan Institute
Dr Saverio Maviglia, Harvard Medical School
Dr Sylvia Nissen, Lincoln University
Dr Tabitha M. Benney, PhD, University of Utah
Dr Tara Cornelisse, Center for Biological Diversity
Dr Tariq Stévart, Missouri Botanical Garden
Dr Tracy Lassiter, University of New Mexico - Gallup
Dr. Anita Halvorssen, Global Legal Solutions, LLC
Dr. Carrie Manfrino, Caribbean Institute of Science and Sustainability
Dr. Frank Dall, Senior Fellow at RISE Institute, UNICEF
Dr. Henri F. Drake, NOAA Climate and Global Change Postdoctoral Fellow, Princeton University
Dr. Kelly Sultzbach, University of Wisconsin La Crosse
Dr. Michael G. Noll, Professor for Geography, Valdosta State University
Dr. Steven L Keffer, Department of Biology, Emeritus
Dr. Susanne Brander, Dept. Fisheries, Wildlife
Durwood Zaelke, Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development
E. Ahmet Tonak, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Edmundo Paz Soldán, Professor of Latin American Literature, Cornell University
Eduardo Agosta Scarel, PhD in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences - National Scientific and Technological Research Council [CONICET] - School of Astronomy and Geophysics, La Plata State University
Edward E. DeMartini, PhD, Adjunct Professor
Edward Maibach, George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication
Eileen Moran, Environmental Justice Working Group of the PSC_CUNY, Queens College
Elaine Howes, Senior Specialist, American Museum of Natural History
Elaine Matthews, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
Elisabeth Clyne, Lewis and Clark college
Elizabeth Baldwin, University of Arizona
Elizabeth C. Miller, Professor of English, University of California
Ellis Juhlin, Utah State University
Emily Pachoud, Program Coordinator of Environmental Action, Santa Clara University
Emily S. Wan, MD, Brigham and Women's Hospital
Emma Gomes, Colorado State University
Emma Korein, Nova Southeastern University
Eric Muhia, Strathmore University
Eric S. Godoy, PhD, Illinois State University
Erica Chenoweth, Frank Stanton Professor of the First Amendment, Harvard University
Erika Cabell, University of Hawaii at Mānoa
Erin Eldermire, Academic Librarian, Cornell University
Estefania Magallanes, Parker University
Esther C. Peters, George Mason University
Evan Berry, Arizona State University
Eve Spangler, Boston College Department of Sociology
Farhana Sultana, Associate Professor, Department of Geography & the Environment
Federico Holm, University of Michigan
Fereshteh Toosi, Assistant Professor of Art and Art History, Florida International University
Frances Palmer, PG Dip Public Health, PG Dip International Development
Francis H. Cummings, Peregrine Energy Group
Francisco Serratos, Washington State University
Fredrik Albritton Jonsson, Associate Professor of History, The University of Chicago
Gabriel Landes, Montclair State University
Gabriel M. Filippelli, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Gaelle Bargain-Darrigues, Boston College
Gautam Sethi, Associate Professor at the Bard Center for Environmental Policy, Bard College
Gavin Fridell, Canada Research Chair in Internatonal Development, Saint Mary's University
Gerald Michael Martin, University of Pittsburgh
Gerardo Veliz Carrillo, Cornell University
Geri Eileen Unger, TerrAqua Environmental Science and Policy
Gilbert Schmerler, Bank Street College of Education (retired)
Gina Maranto, University of Miami
Giovanni Parmigiani, Department of Data Science, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Gregg Sparkman, Princeton University
Gregory Miller, Ph.D.
Gregory Peter Kochanski, Google Research Team, MIT Physics
Heather Price, PhD, North Seattle College
Hedley Freake, Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Sciences, University of Connecticut
Hemopereki Simon, Mills College
Herb Simmens, Planetphilia
Hilary McManus, Le Moyne College
Holger Meyer, Wichita State University, USA
Holly Kundel, University of Minnesota
Ian M. Miller, St. John's University
Ian Monroe, Lecturer in Earth Systems Program, Stanford University
Ian Wereley, PhD, Adjunct Curator
Ignacia Castellon, PhD. Candidate, The New School
Irene Domingo, University of St. Thomas
Iveta Silova, Arizona State University
Jacqueline M Klopp, Earth Institute, Columbia University
Jacqueline Olds MD, Harvard Medical School
Jade d'Alpoim Guedes, University of California San Diego
Jaime B Palter, University of Rhode Island
Jaime Kucinskas, Hamilton College
James Boulter, Chemistry, Public Health and Environmental Studies
James Engell, Professor and Member, Harvard University Center for the Environment
James Frew, Associate Professor, University of California
James Hanken, Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology
James McGowan, Senior Advisor, UN
James Ray Stone Jr., Mt San Antonio College
James S. Uleman, Emeritus Professor, New York University
James W Little, Professor Emeritus, University of Washington
Janella Baxter, Washington University in Saint Louis
Janet Black, MSN, MPH
Janet Miller, Retired, Harvard Medical School
Jason Frederick Lambacher, University of Washington Bothell
Jason Jay, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Jason Keiber, Assistant Professor of International Relations, Baldwin Wallace University
Jeffrey Adams, Ithaca College
Jen Schneider, School of Public Service, Boise State University
Jenell Johnson, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Jenna Matsuyama, Manoa
Jennie C Stephens, Northeastern University School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs
Jennifer Bishop, Lecturer, Union College
Jennifer Jacquet, Associate Professor, New York University
Jeremy Axworthy, Graduate student in Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington Seattle
Jeremy Bendik-Keymer, Beamer-Schneider Professor in Ethics, Case Western Reserve University
Jeremy M. Campbell, Institute for a Sustainable Earth, George Mason University
Jerry Rivers, Environmental Scientist, North American Climate
Jessica Schaefer, PhD Student, University of California
Jianna Wankel, CCU
Jill E. Hargis, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Jim Recht, MD, Harvard Medical School
Jini Kim Watson, Associate Professor, English and Comparative Literature
Joan Hoffman, Professor Emerita of Economics John Jay College of Criminal Justice CUNY, John Jay College of Criminal Justice CUNY
Joanne Fox-Przeworski, PhD, Founding Director
Joe Nyangon, Postdoctoral Researcher in Energy Economics and Engineering Systems, Univesity of Delaware
Joel Berger, Biochemist, Principal
Joel Clement, Senior Fellow, Harvard Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs
Joel Thompson, Santa Clara University
John A. Gamon, University of Alberta, and University of Nebraska - Lincoln
John A. Loomis, FAIA, San José State University
John Byrne, Distinguished Professor and Director, Center for Energy & Environmental Policy
John C Baez, Mathematical Physicist, Professor of Mathematics
John C Ogden, Emeritus Professor of Integrative Biology, University of South Florida
John E. Dowling, Gordon and Llura Gund Professor of Neurosciences Emeritus, Harvard University
John Harlan McDonald, Retired, Luther College
John Himestra, The King's University
John M. Meyer, Humboldt State University
John Martin Gillroy, Lehigh University
John McCannon, Southern New Hampshire University
John Miller, Cornell University
John R. Peteet, MD, Harvard Medical School
Jonathan Flint, Case Western Reserve University
Jonathan H Titus, SUNY-Fredonia
Jonathan Koomey, Ph.D., Visiting Professor
Jonathan Marr, Union College
Jonathan White, Associate Prof and Director of Service-Learning and Civic Engagement, Bentley University
Joni Seager, Distinguished Professor of Arts and Sciences, Bentley University
Jorge Luis Fontanez, Bard MBA in Sustainability
Jose Martinez-Reyes, University of Massachusetts Boston
Joseph D Jackson, CPT, Chemical Corps
Joseph Nevins, Professor, Department of Earth Science and Geography
Josh Cohen, Georgia Institute of Technology
Joshua Hibit, Pennsylvania Institute of Technology
Joshua L Goldstein, University of Southern California
Joyce Chaplin, James Duncan Phillips Professor of History, Harvard University
Judith C Lang, Science Director, Atlantic and Gulf Rapid Reef Assessment
Judith S Weis, Rutgers University
Julia Elyachar, Princeton University
Julie Campoli, Fellow at the University of Vermont's Center for Research
Juliet Schor, Boston College
K. Lale Davidson, SUNY Adirondack
Kai C Sonntag, McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Kara Skye Gibson, Northern Arizona University
Karen Pinkus, Professor, Cornell University
Katarzyna Nowak, The Safina Center
Kate Blumberg, International Council on Clean Transportation
Kate Ervine, Associate Professor, Saint Mary's University
Kate Olson, Boston College
Katharina Pistor, Columbia Law School
Katharine Hayhoe, Horn Distinguished Professor and Endowed Chair, Texas Tech UniversityMichael E. Mann
Katherine Miller MD, Harvard Medical SChool
Katherine S. Lobach, MD Professor Emerita of Pediatrics, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Katherine Terrell, Hamilton College
Kathi Kemper, MD, MPH
Kathleen Hart, Vassar College
Kathleen M Susman, Vassar College
Kathleen McAfee, San Francisco State University
Kathryn Amatangelo, Associate Professor of Environmental Science, State University of New York Brockport
Kathryn C Lesneski PhD, Director of Restoration Science, Coral Vita
Kathryn Kwiatkowski, Case Western Reserve University, Gelfand STEM Ctr
Kathryn Laskey, George Mason University
Katie Spires, Utica College
Katy Sparrow, Faculty of Geosciences, Georgia State University
Kenneth R. Zimmerman, The History Business, Oregon Public Utility Commission
Kenneth Williford, Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Texas Arlington
Kevin Bruyneel, Professor of Politics, Babson College
Kevin Faccenda, University of Hawaii
Kevin M Spencer, Harvard University
Kiara Damico, Utah State University
Kim Curtis, University of Illinois
Kirsten Bauer, Duke University Marine Lab
Kirsten Grabreck, California State University, Sacramento
Koreen Brennan, Lecturer, Grow Permaculture
Krishna Dasaratha, Yale University
Krishna Kollipara, Retired Scientist
Larry Edwards, Aeronautical-Mechanical Engineer
Laura Gibbons, University of Washington
Lauren Petersonm, UC Davis
Lawrence Early, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Leah Nichols, George Mason University, Institute for a Sustainable Earth
Linda S. Black Elk, United Tribes Technical College
Lucas Coelho Netto, Master of Science - Architecture and Urban Design, Columbia University
Lucas Vargas Zeppetello, University of Washington
Luis A. Nunes Amaral, Northwestern University
M. Joan Curcio, PhD, University at Albany-SUNY
Magdalena Donea, University of California San Diego
Malene Alleyne, Founder, Freedom Imaginaries
Marcelo Aguiar, Professor of Mathematics, Cornell University
Marcus Lehmann, CalWave Power Technologies Inc
Marie O'Reilly, Peacebuilding Researcher
Mario Ortiz-Robles, Professor of English and Animal Studies, University of Wisconsin
Mark Cladis, Brooke Russel Astor Professor of the Humanities, Brown University
Mark Eisenberg MD, Harvard Medical School
Mark H. Cooper, Assistant Professor of Geography, University of California
Mark Hixon, Hsiao Endowed Professor of Marine Biology, University of Hawaii
Mark Z. Jacobson, Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Marsha K Mathews, Univ of California - retired
Martin J. Adamian, California State University, Los Angeles
Marie Venner, National Academies researcher, Transportation Research Board, Coordinated annual decarbonization series
Mary Christine Downing, Order of Saint Clare
Mary Harrison, American Dream Career Museum
Mary Nolan, NYU
Marya Zlatnik, MD, Professor of Obstetrics
Matt Huber, Associate Professor, Department of Geography and the Environment
Matthew Burke, University of Vermont
Matthew Parker, State University of New York at Binghamton
Matthew Schneider-Mayerson, Yale-NUS College
Matthew Stilwell, Managing Director, Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development
Maurits van Zinnicq Bergmann, Florida International University
McLean Worsham, University of Hawaii
Md. Moniruzzaman Zaman
Meade Krosby, Senior Scientist, Climate Impacts Group
Meehan Crist, Writer in Residence in Biological Sciences, Columbia University
Megan Ferguson, SUNY New Paltz
Melissa Kachura, Senior Scientist, Gritstone bio
Melissa Mathews, California State University Northridge
Mercedes Quesada-Embid PhD, Professor, Environmental Policy and Advocacy
Merritt Juliano, Climate Psychology Alliance North America
Michael Bleicher, Prof. Emeritus, University of Wisc. Madison
Michael E. Mann, Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science, Penn State University
Michael G. Noll, Professor of Geography, Valdosta State University
Michael Hardt, Duke University
Michael Kraft, Professor, Head of Department
Michael L. Bentley, University of Tennesee, Knoxville
Michael Mack, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology
Michael P. Powers, Global Energy Network Institute
Michael Paul Nelson, Ruth H. Spaniol Chair of Renewable Resources, Oregon State University
Michael Shakarjian, Assistant Professor of Environmental Health Science, New York Medical College Dept. of Public Health
Michael Stein, Harvard Law School Project on Disability, Harvard University
Michael Tondre, Stony Brook University
Michaeline Bresnahan, Columbia University
Michele Betsill, Colorado State University
Michelle Y. Merrill, Ph.D., Novasutras
Miles T Wetherington, Postdoc Fellow, Cornell University
Morton Schoolman, Professor, Political Science
Muhammad Al-Hashimi, PhD, Associate Scholar, Center for World Indigenous Studies
Nancy Black, Co-Founder, Mercury Press International
Nancy L Keating, MD, MPH
Naomi Blinick, University of Minnesota
Natalia Sarkisian, Associate Professor of Sociology, Boston College
Natalie Melas, Cornell University
Nathan G. Phillips, Boston University
Nathan Jessee, Princeton University
Nathan K Hensley, Georgetown University
Neal Hackler, Brandon University
Neil Tangri, Science and Policy Director, GAIA
Nerissa Russell, Professor of Anthropology, Cornell University
Nicholas Copeland, Virginia Tech
Nico Henriquez, Institute of Cancer Research
Nicolas Sawaya, PhD, Research Scientist
Nicole Lambrou, Luskin School of Public Affairs, UCLA
Noah W. Sobe, Loyola University Chicago
Noel Healy, Geography and Sustainability Department, Salem State University
Olivia Wilborn, Vanderbilt University
Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Georgetown University
Paige West, Claire Tow Professor of Anthropology, Barnard College and Columbia University
Paloma Checa-Gismero, Assistant Professor of Art History, Swarthmore College
Pam McVety, Retired Government Scientist
Pamela A. Jordan, Associate Professor of Politics and Global Affairs, Social Sciences Department
Patrick Belmont, Utah State University
Paul Brown, West Virginia University
Paul McDonald, ISPA Woodworking
Paul Schissel, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Paulina Gerstner, Arizona State University
Peter Dawson Buck, Penn State University
Peter F. Cannavo, Hamilton College
Peter Jon Jacques, University of Central Florida
Peter Jørgensen, Analyst, MBA (Cambridge)
Peter Kalmus, NASA Climate Scientist, Author of Being the Change
Peter L.K. Knuepfer, Binghamton University (SUNY)
Peter M Haas, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Peter Stefan
Peter Weeks, St. Thomas University
Phaedra C. Pezzullo, University of Colorado Boulder
Philip Bell, Shauna C. Larson Chair of Learning Sciences & Professor of Education. University of Washington Seattle
Philip Boxell, Indiana University, J.D.
Prakash Kashwan, Associate Professor, University of Connecticut
Prasannan Parthasarathi, Professor of History, Boston College
Prof Robert Howarth, PhD, Professor of Ecology and Environmental Biology
Professor Iain Davidson, University of New England
Professor Paul Fleming, Cornell University
Professor Seyla Benhabib, Columbia University, Yale University
Professor Timothy Mitchell, Columbia University
Rachel Kyte, The Fletcher School, Tufts University
Rachel M. E. Wolfe, PhD, Utica College
Rachel Youens, CUNY
Rafi Youatt, New School for Social Research
Ran Tao, Executive Vice President & Global Project Officer, Laureate Science Alliance (LSA)
Rebecca Altman, environmental sociologist and plastics researcher
Rebecca Romsdahl, University of North Dakota
Rebecca Smith, Oregon Health and Science Institute
Rev. Oleta Proctor, East Palo Alto, USA
Rezan Benatar, Columbia University
Richard Block, University of Washington, Seattle
Richard J Kres, Msc Biology Bsc Engineering
Richard W. Emory, Jr., Retired United States EPA (Environmental Enforcement and Foreign-Assistance Attorney)
Richard Zack Klyver, Science Director, Blue Planet Strategies
Ridge Sliger, Clemson University
Rik Smith, Senior Associate Professor of Environmental Science, Columbia Basin College
Rikki Shook, UNC Chapel Hill
Risa Stephanie Bear, M.S., M.A.
Rob Saintonge, Researcher, Stanford University
Rob Sewell, C.Env, Chartered Environmentalist; MCIWEM
Robert J M Hudson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Robert Sroufe, Murrin Chair of Global Competitiveness, Duquesne University
Roberta Millstein, Department of Philosophy, University of California
Robin Recordon, Hydroelectric Engineer
Robinson Murphy, Environmental Studies Program, Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Roland Geyer, Professor, University of California at Santa Barbara
Ronald Kramer, Professor of Sociology, Western Michigan University
Sallie B. King, Professor Emerita, Department of Philosophy and Religion
Salome Viljoen, University of Michigan Law School, University of Michigan Law School
Sandra Goldmark, Associate Professor of Professional Practice and Director of Campus Sustainability and Climate Action, Barnard College
Sandra Steingraber, PhD, Senior Scientist
Sanjana Paul, Massachusetts Institute of Technology + Earth Hacks
Sara Parkison, PhD Candidate, University of Delaware
Sarah Babb, Boston College
Sarah Tinker Perrault, Oregon State University
Satyel Larson, Assistant Professor, Princeton University
Sean Harris, University of Michigan
Sebastian Rowan, University of New Hampshire, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Shane Loeffler, University of Minnesota
Shangrila Joshi, The Evergreen State College
Shelly Krueger, University of Florida
Shimon Edelman, Cornell University
Sibelan Forrester, Susan W. Lippincott Professor of Modern and Classical Languages and Russian, Swarthmore College
Sidney Chalhoub, Harvard University
Sigmund Shen, City University of New York
Sindhuja Bhakthavatsalam, Assistant Professor at California State University, Northridge.
Solana Kline, University of Nevada
Sparsha Saha, Harvard University
Stan Cox, Research Fellow, Ecosphere Studies
Stefano Monti, Boston University
Stephanie Lenhart, School of Public Service, Boise State University
Stephen R Wicks, Ph.D., Clarivate
Stephen Tettelbach, PhD., Cornell Cooperative Extension
Steve Austin, Washington State University
Steve Verhey, Cascadia Carbon Institute
Steven A Jorissen, University of St. Thomas
Steven D. Colan, M.D., Boston Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School
Steven Klees, University of Maryland
Susan Grayzel, Historian, Utah State University
Susan Joy Hassol, Director, Climate Communication
Susan R Rittling, The Forsyth Institute
Susannah Sayler, Associate Professor, Department of Transmedia
Susanne C. Moser, Ph.D., Director
Sylvia Hale (Professor Emeritus), St Thomas University, Fredericton NB
Tamara Ticktin, Conservation Biology and Ethnoecology Lab, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Terry Tempest Williams, Harvard Divinity School
Thomas G. Dietterich, Distinguished Professor (Emeritus), Oregon State University
Thomas Pogge, Professor of Philosophy and Professor of Political Science, Yale University
Tim Thornton, School of Political Economy, Senior Research Fellow at the Economics in Context Initiative at Boston University
Timothy A. Gibson, Associate Professor of Communication, George Mason University
Todd Campbell, University of Connecticut
Todd Gitlin, Professor of Journalism and Sociology, Columbia University
Tom Athanasiou, Climate Equity Reference Project
Tom Dupre la Tour, UC Berkeley, UC Berkeley
Tom Kelly, Sustainability Institute, University of New Hampshire
Trea C. Yip, Nobel Women’s Initiative
V. Page Fortna, Harold Brown Professor of US National and Security Policy, Columbia University
Veronica Gibson, MS, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Walter D Mignolo, Duke University
Walter J. Bock, Emeritus Professor of Evolutionary Biology, Columbia University (retired)
Willam R Moomaw, Tufts University and Woodwell Climate 'Research Center
William J. Ripple, Distinguished Prof., Lead author of World Scientists' Warning of a Climate Emergency
William P. Hall, PhD Evol. Biol. Harvard, Retired
WIlliam Philpot, Cornell University
Wolfgang Himmelbauer, Analog Devices
Yael Zeira, Associate Professor of Political Science, Syracuse University
Yasmina Cooper, University of Nevada, Reno
Zachary Miller, Researcher, University of Minnesota
Zellman Warhaft, Cornell University
Christopher D. Nettles, Tendai Buddhist Institute
Dr Mario Caffera, Sociedad Amigos del Viento
Ana Yranzo Duque, Institute of Tropical Zoology and Ecology, Central University of Venezuela