Faith leaders and Institutes call on followers to endorse the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty proposal
Letter for a Fossil Fuel Treaty
As leaders across diverse religious and spiritual communities around the globe, we call on governments to develop and implement a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty
We have been granted a gift, an earth created in all its diversity, vitality, and abundance, for which we are called upon to be stewards. But this role of stewardship has been overshadowed by neglect, exploitation, and unsustainable consumption that threaten the natural balance, social harmony, and existence of life on earth.
Too many coal mines and oil and gas wells are already under production, setting the world on course to fail to meet the Paris Agreement’s goal of 1.5°C. To avoid the worst impacts of the climate crisis, we must hold ourselves, our neighbors, and our governments accountable and collectively act.
For too long, government action has been painstakingly slow and catered too much to the reckless and deceptive fossil fuel corporations, preventing meaningful and timely climate legislation. There is a glaring disconnect between countries’ approvals for continued fossil fuel expansion and their rhetoric proclaiming long-term ‘net zero’ targets, a dangerous veil to evade responsibility, delay action, and rely on unproven technologies.
The burning of coal, oil, and gas is responsible for 86% of CO2 emissions in the past decade, according to the IPCC. Just 100 companies account for more than 70% of emissions. With these emissions also come the costs of local pollution, environmental degradation, and health impacts associated with extracting, refining, transporting, and burning fossil fuels.
These costs are disproportionately paid by those who are most vulnerable to, and least historically responsible for, the consequences of climate change - lives lost, homes and farms destroyed, and millions of people displaced. It is our moral imperative to protect those most in need and to uphold the human rights of future generations by employing renewable sources of energy.
The science surrounding the most urgent danger facing humanity is undeniable: to be good caretakers of our common home, we must act and phase out the production of fossil fuels. Several faith institutions around the world have already divested from fossil fuel companies, now we take the next step in calling on governments to plan a global just transition.
The current scale of the climate crisis requires a cooperative global solution that addresses the fossil fuel industry directly. We call on governments to urgently commence negotiations to develop and implement a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, laying out a binding global plan to:
End expansion of any new coal, oil or gas production in line with the best available science as outlined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the United Nations Environment Programme;
Phase-out existing production of fossil fuels in a manner that is fair and equitable, taking into account the respective dependency of countries on fossil fuels and their capacity to transition;
Ensure a global just transition to 100% access to renewable energy globally, support dependent economies to diversify away from fossil fuels, and enable all people and communities, not least the Global South, to flourish.
We hail from many faiths and beliefs, but together we can remedy the decades of negligence to safeguard our coexistence with this earth. Just as our beliefs are entrenched in religious and spiritual teachings, our response to the climate crisis must be deeply rooted in science and equity to heal the planet and people alike.
We have a narrow window of opportunity to act which is why we are joining the growing chorus of Indigenous Peoples, civil society leaders, youth, cities, lawmakers, academics, and scientists calling for a global treaty to phase out fossil fuels and support a just transition powered by renewable energy and a sustainable future for all.
617 Faith Institution Signatories
Global Faith Institutions
World Council of Churches
Islamic Relief Worldwide
Laudato Si' Movement
Parliament of the World's Religions
United Religions Initiative
Soka Gakkai International (SGI)
Pacific Conference of Churches
A Rocha International
Anglican Church of Southern Africa Environment Network
Anglican Consultative Council
Asia and Pacific Alliance of YMCAs
Buddhist Global Relief
Catholic Action for Animals
Catholic Youth Network for Environmental Sustainability in Africa (CYNESA)
Christian Brothers Oceania Province
Colectivo ANSUR
Community Peacemaker Teams
Congregation of the Daughters of Mary Immaculate - Marianists
Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul
Fast For the Climate
Friends World Committee for Consultation (Quakers)
Institute of Sisters of Mercy of Australia and Papua New Guinea
International Network of Engaged Buddhists
Latin American and Caribbean Catholic Bishops Council [CELAM]
Let There Be Light International
New Bodhisattva Network
North American Climate, Conservation and Environment(NACCE)
Passionist Solidarity Network
Passionists International
Pax Christi International
Plateau Perspectives
Renew Our World
Salesian Sisters, South Pacific Region
Southern African Faith Communities Environment Institute (SAFCEI)
UNANIMA International
Unitarian Universalist Association
Wild Church Network
World Yoga Community
Faith Institutions by Country
Fundación Entreculturas- Fe y Alegría
Christian Generation Association
Laudato Si' Movement, Cameroon National Chapter
Laudato Si RDCONGO
Solidarité pour la Protection des Droits de l'Enfant, SOPRODE en sigle, République Démocratique du Congo
CLC Egypt
Ethiopian Catholic Church Social and Development Commission Branch Office - Youth Centre
AbibiNsroma Foundation
Africa Faith Actors Network on Climate Justice
Africa Nazarene university
Catholic Justice and Peace Department
Catholic University of eastern Africa
Enyuatta EcoJustice Centre
Felician Sisters in Kenya
Green Anglican Movement - ADS Kenya
Harmony Institute
Inter-Religious Council of Kenya
Jamaa Resource Initiatives
Jomo Kenyatta university CATCOM
Laudato Si' Movement, Kenya National Chapter
Mount Kenya university
Mt. Kenya Network Forum
Multimedia university
Noonkopir parish
St. Monica Kitengela
St.john and Silvia shrine accasia kitengela
Tangaza University
Tassia Catholic
LSM Madagascar
Mzuzu Diocese
National Catholic Services, Malawi
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia
Christian Council of Nigeria- Institute of Church and Society, Ibadan
Dogara Community Development Foundation, Nigeria
Laudato Si' Movement, Nigeria National Chapter
Society of our Lady of Rosary, Lagos
Society of our Lady of Rosary, Owerri, Nigeria
Touch to Heal Initiative, Enugu, Nigeria
Inter-Religious Council of Sierra Leone
Laudato Si' Movement, South Africa Chapter
Catholic Diocese of Banjul
Radio Veritas Gambia
St Antony's Parish
Jeunes Volontaires pour l'Environnement, Togo
Centre for Citizens Conserving Environment & Management (CECIC), Uganda
Tasha Research Institute Africa
Laudato Si' Movement, Zambia's National Chapter
Society of Jesus, Zambia
Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood, Zimbabwe
Orthodox Archbishopric of Zimbabwe
Bangladesh Catholic Students Movement
Episcopal Commission for Justice and Peace
Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University
Clean And Green Rourkela, India
Office of Human Development/Climate Change of the Federation of Asian Catholic Bishops' Conferences, India
Religion for Peace India
Samvidhan Kendra, Hyderabad
Shanti Seva Mandal, India
The Bombay Jesuit Province, India
Green Faith Indonesia
Indonesia Province of the Carmelite Order, Catholic Church
JPIC Kalimantan, Indonesia
Youth Indigenous People East Nusa Tenggara, Catholics, Indonesia
Équipe Nationale CVX Liban
Caritas Pakistan Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan
Archdiocese of Manila Integral Ecology Ministry
Ateneo de Davao Senior High School Formati
Ateneo Lumad Students Organization, Davao del Sur, Philippines
Basac IP Youth Culture Bearers Association, Bukidnon, Philippines
Campus Ministry Council- Prelature Marawi, Philippines
Catholic Pilgrimage of Peace, Philippines
Catholic Students' Organization, Lanao del Sur Philippines
CBCP - Caritas Philippines
Columban Missionaries, Cagayan de Oro, Philippines
Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd, Philippines
Davao del Sur State College, Philippines
Diocese of Iligan, Lanao Philippines
Diocese of San Carlos, Philippines
Dioceses of Marawi, Lanaeo Del Sur, Philippines
Eco-Convergence Philippines
Foundation of Balay Pasilungan, INC, Philippines
Franciscan Missionaries of Mary (FMM), Philippines
Holy Cross of Mintal Inc., Davao del Sur, Philippines
Kulaman Mënubù Dulangan Youth Organization, Sultan Kudarat, Philippines
Laudato Si' Movement, Marine
Laudato Si' Movement, Philippines National Chapter
Lighthouse Ministries International Church in Mindanao, Philippines
Lourdes College, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines
Maryknoll Sisters Philippines
Missionaries of the Assumption - Davao City, Philippines
Notre Dame of Midsayap College
Our Lady Fatima Parish Malaybalay, Philippines
Panday Kalinaw, Mindanao Philippines
Parish of Our Lady of Guadalupe - Davao City, Philippines
Province of St. Anthony of Padu, Philippines JPIC
Ranao Muslim and Christian Movement Dialogue for Peace (RMCMDP), Lanao del Sur, Philippines
Religious of Notre Dame of the Missions, Philippines
Roman Catholic Territorial Prelature of Marawi
San Pedro College, Philippines
San Vicente Ferrer- Quasi Parish Philippines
Universidad de Sta. Isabel de Naga, Philippines
CLC in Korea
Daejoen Province, Sisters of the Blessed Korean Martrys
Eco Spirituality Center
Extinction Rebellion Catholic Korea
JPIC of Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill
Little Company of Mary of Korea
Our Lady Kindergarten of Caritas
Sisters of Notre Dame
St.Carollo Hospital
St.Joseph Home for the Aged
St.Joseph Nursery School
Al Ashfa youth network
Human Development Team of Major Superiors of Men and Women Religious in Taiwan
Presbyterian Church in Taiwan
Religious of Jesus and Mary, Timor-Leste
Jesuit European Social Centre (JESC), Belgium
Justice and Peace Europe
Christian ecumenical community in the Czech Republic
Františkova ekonomika - Hub Česká Republika
Žít Laudato si' Česká republika
Church of Denmark
Association Chrétiens Unis pour la Terre
Daughters of the Heart of Mary, Paris, France
Edmund Rice International, France
Groupe de travail soin de la création de l'Association des Eglises Evangéliques Mennonites de France
International Movement of Catholic Students (IMCS-MIEC) Pax Romana, France
International Young Catholic Students (IYCS), France
Laudato Si’ France
Sufi Zentrum Rabbaniyya, World Peace Institute of Sufism
Ukama-Zentrum der Jesuiten für sozial-ökologische Transformation
Zen Dojo Heidelberg
Justice and Peace Commission Greece
Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy, Ireland
Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, Ireland
Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice
Little Sisters of the Assumption International Congregation, Ireland
Missionary Sisters of St. Columban
Missionary Sisters of St. Columban, Ireland
Salesian Sisters, Ireland
Sisters of Mission Service
Diocese of Sodor and Man, Isle of Man
Agesci - Associazione Guide e Scouts Cattolici Italiani
Associazione Francescani nel Mondo aps
Associazione Salesiani Cooperatori
Azione Cattolica Italiana
Casa della Carita Madonna dei Poveri
Circolo laudato si di vigasio (VR)
Circolo laudato si san Bonifacio "rete nuovi stili di vita," Verona, Italy
Circolo Laudato si' di Desenzano del Garda Italy
Circolo Laudato si' PALERMO
Comi Ets Cooperazione per il mondo in via di sviluppo
Commission of Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation
Comunità Missionaria di Villaregia
Congregation of Our Lady of Sion (Congrégation de Notre-Dame de Sion, N.D.S.), Italy
Focolare Movement, Italy
FOCSIV Italian Federation Christian NGOs
Istituto delle Terziarie Francescane Alcantarine
Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation Commission, USG-UISG, Italy
Laudato Si' Movement, Italy National Chapter
Laudato Si' Movement, Vicopisano-Monte Pisano
Marist Fathers - Society of Mary, Italy
Missionary Sisters Servants of Holy Spirit (SSpS)
Ordo Fratrum Beatae Virginis Mariae de Monte Carmelo
School Sisters of Notre Dame, Italy
Sorelle Povere di s. Chiara - cristiane cattoliche
Tavolo laudato si diocesi bari Bitonto
Unione Superioris Generalis / International Union Superiors General (USG/UISG), Italy
Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd, Malta
Caritas Norway
Oslo Buddhistsenter - Triratna Buddhist community in Norway
Ecological Folk High School in Grzybów, Poland
Asociación Acción Verapaz
Caritas Española, Spain
Carmelite Betica Province of the Sweet Name of Mary
Carmelite Order Catalonia Province, Catholic Church
Carmelites - Province of the Most Pure Heart of Mary
Carmelites. Order of Carmel. Province of Aragon, Castile and Valencia of St. John of the Cross.
Centro Shambhala de Madrid
Comunidades Cristianas Populares España
Congregacion de Misioneras Eucaristicas
Conversion Ecologica Grupo - Ntra. Señora del Valle
Equipo Provincial de Europa -Carmelitas de la Caridad Vedruna
Fundación Internacional de Solidaridad Compañía de María (FIISC)
Fundacion Proclade
Fundacion Pueblos Hermano
Fundación Spínola Solidaria
Fundación Taller de Solidaridad
Hijas de María Auxiliadora - Comunidad Nuestra Señora de Gracia. Madrid
Justicia y Paz Comisión General de España
Misiones Salesianas
NGO of Carmelites in Spain
Nuestra Señora del Valle de la Vicaría IV
Orden de la Compañía de María N.S. Provincia del Mediterráneo
Parroquia Sagrado Corazón de Jesús
Proclade Canarias, Las Palmas
Red de Entidades para el Desarrollo Solidario-REDES
Spanish Catholic Bishops' Conference
Unión de Religiosos/as de Catalunya (URC), Spain
Act Church of Sweden
Church of Sweden
Church of Sweden Youth (Svenska Kyrkans Unga)
Jesuit Refugee Service JRS Switzerland
oeku Kirchen für die Umwelt | œco Églises pour l’environnement, Switzerland
Inayatiya Platform Amersfoort, the Netherlands
The InnBetween - Ecumenical University Chaplaincy of Maastricht University
Animal Interfaith Alliance, UK
Bahu Trust, UK
Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD), UK
Church Mission Society Ireland
Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace
Diocese of Carlisle, UK
Diocese of Middlesbrough Justice and Peace Commission
Eco Dharma Network UK
Faith for the Climate Network
General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches
Green Christian
Holy Trinity Church, Southwell
Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Loreto Generalate, UK
Interfaith Glasgow
Iona Community, Glasgow UK
Justice and Peace Scotland
Methodist Central Hall Manchester, UK
Metropolitan Community Church of North London, UK
National Justice and Peace Network
Operation Noah
Quakers in Britain
Religious of the Assumption - England
Roman Catholic Sisters of St Joseph of Peace
Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF)
Sisters of Holy Family Bordeaux Britain and Ireland
Sr. Linda
St John and St Stephen's Church, Reading, UK
St John's, Waterloo, England
St. Mary's Scottish Episcopal Church, Dunblane, Scotland
STC Sheffield
Tearfund, UK
The Church of England
The United Reformed Church
Latin America and the Caribbean
ALC Noticias, Argentina
Archbishopric of San Juan de Cuyo
General Secretary of the Latin American and Caribbean Religious Confederation (CLAR)
Grupo María Inmaculada, Parroquia San Miguel Arcangel,
Laudato Si' Movement, Argentinian National Chapter
Potencialidades Asociación Civil
General Secretary of the PanAmazonian Eclesial Network (REPAM), Brazil
Prelazia de Itaituba, Catholic Church
Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary
Iglesia Evangélica Luterana, Otros Cruces, Chile
Red Amerindia Continental y Chile - Iglesia Católica
Asociación de Líderes de Comunidades de Fe – Teusaquillo Territorio de Paz
Churches and Mining Network, Colombia
Colombian Franciscan Family
Comité Ambiental Cajamarca - Iglesia Católica, Colombia
COMOSOC - Coalición de Movimientos Sociales de Colombia, Sector Ambiental - Ecuménica, Colombia
Comunidades de Fe Teusaquillo Territorio de Paz, Colombia
Congregación Hermanas Hijas de San José, Iglesia Católica, Colombia
Coordinator of the Climate Crisis and Care for the Common Home Commission of the ConVida 20 Global Alliance, Colombia
Corporación Trabajadores por la Tierra, Bogota, Colombia
Dioceses of Soacha - President of the Social Pastoral of the Colombian Catholic Bishops Conference
Escuela Normal Superior de Neiva, Colombia
Fundación Etty Hillesum - Iglesia Católica, Colombia
General Secretary of the International Christian Service of Solidarity with the Peoples of Latin America (SICSAL) "Oscar Arnulfo Romero", Colombia
Laudato Si' Movement, Colombia National Chapter
Laudato Si' Movement, Medellín Colombia
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia
Presbiterian Church, Advocacy Coordinator of the Interchurch Dialogue of the Churches for Peace, Colombia
Productora Audiovisual Eulogio: Dibujos Animados Educativos
Artesjusteco - Iglesia Católica, Costa Rica
Centro Montalvo, Trabajo Social de la Compañía de Jesús, República Dominicana
Vice-President of the Amazonian Eclesial (CEAMA), Ecuador
Sinodo Luterano Salvadoreño, El Salvador
Union des Amis Socio Cuylturels d'Action en Developpement (UNASCAD), Haiti
Comisión Franciscana de Justicia, Paz e Integridad de la Creación, México
Emeritus Bishop of Saltillo, México Co-President of the International Christian Service of Solidarity with the Peoples of Latin America (SICSAL) "Oscar Arnulfo Romero"
Instituto Valle de Mexicali
Laudato Si' Movement, Mexican National Chapter
Pastoral Social - Iglesia Anglicana de México
Congregación Nuestra Señora de la Caridad del Buen Pastor, Perú
Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC)-Peru
Iglesia Evangélica Vida Abundante, Perú
Prelate Bishop of Chuquibamba, Peru - President of the Social Pastoral of the Peruvian Catholic Bishops Conference
Red Interconfesional - Red PERIN / Red Lima Norte, Iglesia Católica
North America
Canadian Interfaith Fast For the Climate
Centre for Christian Studies
Christ Church Cathedral, Montreal Canada
Citizens for Public Justice
Climate Action Working Group - Mennonite Church Manitoba, Canada
Climate Emergency Institute
Comité SNJM Justice et Paix
Eastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
Estuary Church
Faith & the Common Good
Federation of Sisters of St. Joseph of Canada
Grain of Wheat Church Community
Home Street Mennonite Church
Independent Jewish Voices Canada
International Teams Canada Inc
Islamic Family (IFSSA)
Jesuit Forum for Social Faith and Justice, Canada
Joint Ecological Ministry, Sisters of St. Martha of Antigonish
KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives
Laudato Si' Movement - Canada
Le Centre Oblat: A Voice for Justice
Les Soeurs de Notre Dame d'Auvergne
Living Faith Lutheran Church
Longhouse Council of Native Ministry
Mennonite Church British Columbia Creation Care Task Group
Mennonite Church Manitoba
Mennonite World Conference, Ontario, Canada
Nanaimo Hindu Cultural Society
Noor Cultural Centre
Our Lady's Missionaries, Ontario, Canada
Presbyterian Church of Canada
Servant Partners Canada
Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception, New Brunswick, Canada
Sisters of St. Martha, Antigonish, Canada
Student Christian Movement Canada
Sylvan United Church
Temple Beth Ora Congregation of Edmonton
The Office of Religious Congregations for Integral Ecology (ORCIE)
Toronto Monthly Meeting,Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
Toronto Urban Native Ministry
Ursulines of Bruno, Saskatchewan, Canada
Adorers of the Blood of Christ, US Region
Alabama Interfaith Power & Light
ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal, US
All Saints Catholic Church, New York
Alliance of Baptists, US
American Baptist Church-Rochester Genessee Region, Creation Collaborative
American Friends Service Committee
At. Peter’s Episcopal Church Detroit
Aytzim: Ecological Judaism
Barry University
Believe Out Loud
Bernardine Franciscan Sisters
Boston College, US
Buddhist Action Coalition - Upper Hudson & Berkshires
Buddhist Peace Fellowship
Care for Creation Group of St. Teresa of Kolkata Parish in Pittsburgh, PA
Catholic Climate Covenant, US
Chena Ridge Friends, Alaska Friends Conference
Church of St. Francis Xavier, Environment Ministry, New York City, US
Church of the Covenant, Massachusetts
Church Women United in New York State, US
Circlewood, US
Climate Action Campaign of the Humboldt Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Bayside, CA, US
Climate Reality Project: DFW Chapter Faith-Based Working Group
Co-members of Loretto
Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life
Community Church of New York
Community of Mindful Living in the Pines
Company of the Daughters of Charity, US
Congregation L'Dor Va-Dor
Congregation of Carmelite Sisters of Charity, Vedruna, US
Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd, USA
Congregation of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes, Wisconsin, US
Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Francis, Sylvania Ohio, US
Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace, NJ
Corvallis Interfaith Climate Justice Committee, OR US
Creation Care Network, St. Patrick Cathedral, Seattle US
Curia Generalis Fratrum Minorum Capuccinorum JPIC
Dayenu: A Jewish Call to Climate Action, US
Diocese of San Diego, Creation Care Ministry US
Dominican Sisters of Houston, US
Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa
Dominican Sisters of Sparkill
Earth Ministry/Washington Interfaith Power and Light, US
Eco-Stewards Program, MA
EcoSpiritualityGroup, SHCJ, American Province
Faith Action Network, US
First Unitarian Society of Minneapolis, US
Franciscan Justice Circle, Mid-Hudson Valley, NY
Franciscan Sisters of the Atonement, US
Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart, US
Friends of Mount Manresa
Gaian Way, Connecticut
Greece Baptist Church Sustainability Team
GreenFaith Wy'East
Heart-To-Heart All Creatures Ministry, Florida US
Hindus for Human Rights
Hindus for Human Rights-ANZ Chapter
Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters, USA-JPIC
Hope 4 All UHM Interfaith Community
Institute for Earth and Spirit at Iona College
Interfaith EarthKeepers, Oregon US
Interfaith Moral Action on Climate
Interfaith Working Group of Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition
International Association for Religious Freedom, US Chapter
International Presentation Association, US
Jefferson Interfaith Action Coalition, Washington US
Jemez Peacemakers of New Mexico
Jemez Peacemakers, US
Jewish Collaborative of Orange County
Jewish Justice Advocates of Temple Beth El of South Orange County, CA
Just Show Up Zen Sangha
La Vista Ecological Learning Center, US
Laudato Si’ Group of Eugene-Springfield, Oregon
Laudato Si' Movement, US National Chapter
Leadership Conference of Women Religious
Little Sisters of the Assumption Family in Mission
Loretto at the UN, US
Lutheran Church of the Incarnate Word, ELCA
Marianist Social Justice Collaborative, Ohio
Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers, US
Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns, US
Massachusetts Interfaith Power & Light, US
Medical Mission Sisters Justice Office, US
Mercy International Association, US
Metro NY Catholic Climate Movement US
Metropolitan Community Churches
Michigan Interfaith Power & Light
Ministerio Ecológico Presbiterio de San Juan
Missionary Society of St. Columban
Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice
Multnomah Friends Meeting
MyMuslimChaplain, US
National Advocacy Center of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd, US
New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light
Office of Peace, Justice, and Ecological Integrity/Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth, US
One Earth Sangha
Ordo Fratrum Karamazovus
Oregon Unitarian Universalist Voices for Justice, US
Our Lady of the Angels Province, Franciscan Friars Conventual, US
Parish of Our Lady of Hope Copake Falls
Parish of the Epiphany
Pax Christi Hudson Valley, NY
Pax Christi New Jersey, US
Pax Christi Pacific Northwest
Pennsylvania Interfaith Power & Light, Pennslyvania, US
Pennsylvania Jewish Earth Alliance, US
Presbyterian Office of Public Witness, Washington D.C. US
Quaker Earthcare Witness, US
Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association
Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary NGO, US
Richmond Zen, Virginia US
Rivers & Mountains GreenFaith Circle, Virgina
Rochester, Minnesota Franciscan Sisters and Cojourners
Sadhana: Coalition of Progressive Hindus
Sangha Shantivanam of Santa Cruz
School Sisters of Notre Dame, Central Pacific Province, US
Shambhala Meditation Center of Philadelphia
Shambhala Touching the Earth Collective
Sisters of Charity Federation, US
Sisters of Charity of Nazareth Congregational Leadership
Sisters of Charity of Nazareth Western Province Leadership
Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth, JPIC Office, US
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas Justice Team, Maryland US
Sisters of Notre Dame, Arizona
Sisters of Notre Dame, California
Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods Indiana, US
Sisters of Saint Joseph of Chestnut Hill Philadelphia, US
Sisters of St. Benedict of Ferdinand, Indiana, Inc.
Sisters of St. Dominic of Blauvelt, New York
Sisters of St. Dominic of Blauvelt, NY, US
Sisters of St. Francis - Clinton
Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg, Indiana US
Sisters of St. Joseph
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
Sisters of St. Joseph of Chambery/West Hartford, US
Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace, New Jersey
Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace, US
Sisters of St. Joseph, Brentwood NY-Office of Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation
Society of the Sacred Heart, US
Sol Center
Spark Church
St. Francis Xavier Church, New York City, US
St. John's Episcopal Church
St. Pius V Lawn & Landscaping Ministry
Texas Unitatian Universalist Justice Ministry
The Aleph Ordination Program, US
The Beatitudes Center for the Nonviolent Jesus
The Center for Deep Green Faith, Kentucky US
The Chaplaincy Institute
The Franciscan Missionary Sisters for Africa (FMSA), Massachusetts US
The Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry of North Carolina
Third Act Faith, US
Unitarian Universalist Church in the Pines
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Hidalgo County Texas
Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry of North Carolina
Unitarian Universalists for a Just Economic Community
United Women in Faith, US
Unity Worldwide Ministries, US
Ursuline Sisters Eastern Province, US
Ursulines of Tildonk NGO, US
VIVAT International
Wheaton Franciscans JPIC Office in Wheaton, Illinois US
Winnebago Friends Worship Group (Quaker)
Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology, New Haven US
Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC)
Bayside Church Melbourne, Australia
Catholic Justice and Peace Commission of the Archdiocese of Brisbane
Catholic Religious Australia
Christian Life Community (CLC) Australia
Christians for Peace Newcastle Australia
City Baptist Church, Australia
Coast and City Sangha, Australia
Columban Centre for Christian-Muslim Relations
Common Grace
Edmund Rice Centre
Environmental Action Group of the Uniting Church in South Australia
Golden Wattle Sangha, Australia
Good Shepherd Sisters, Province of Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand
Jesuit and Ignatian Spirituality Australia (JISA)
Jewish Spirituality Australia
Jewish Sustainability Initiative (JewSi), Australia
Josephite Justice Network, Australia
Laudato Si' Movement, Brisbane Chapter
Loreto Sisters Australia - South East Asia
Mary MacKillop Precinct, Kensington SA, Australia
Mary Mother of the Church Catholic Parish Ivanhoe, Australia
MET – Peace, Justice & Ecology, Catholic Diocese of Parramatta
Missionary Society of St Columban, Australia
OLR Caloundra LSC4C Group
Presentation Sisters of WA, Australia
Religions for Peace Australia
Shepparton Interfaith Network, Australia
Sisters of Mercy Parramatta, Australia
Society of the Divine Word - Australia Province
Sydney Zen Centre, Australia
The Anglican Parish of Aspley Albany Creek, Australia
Uniting Church in Australia, Synod of Victoria and Tasmania
Uniting Church Western Australia
Victor/Goolwa Catholic Parish
Saint Barnabas Youth Paies, Pohnpei
Archdiocese of Suva, Fiji
Champagnat Marist Centre for Ecology and Spirituality
Justice, Peace and Integrety of Creation (JPIC ,Fiji - Oceania region) Columban Missionary Society
South Pacific Association of Theological Schools SPATS, Fiji
Anglican Diocese of Dunedin Synod
Archdiocese of Wellington, New Zealand
Auckland Unitarians, New Zealand
Auckland Zen Centre
Bay of Islands Uniting Parish
Catholic Diocesan Pastoral Council of Dunedin, New Zealand
Church in Progress MCC
Cityside Baptist Church (from Mt Eden, Auckland
Council of Christians and Muslims, Auckland
Methodist Church Climate Justice Working Group, Aotearoa New Zealand
New Zealand Dominican Sisters
Otago Peninsula Anglican Parish
Palmerston North Catholic Justice Peace Development and Ecology Commission Steering Group
Palmerston North Interfaith Group
Pax Christi Aotearoa NZ
Pompallier Catholic College
Presentation Sisters New Zealand
Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) Yearly Meeting of Aotearoa New Zealand Te Hāhi Tūhauwiri
Sathya Sai Wellington
Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions in Aotearoa New Zealand and Samoan Province
Somaliland Society in New Zealand
Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Palmerston North, New Zealand
St Matthew-in-the-City Parish, Auckland
St Peterís Anglican Parish Onehunga
St. Brigid Catholic Parish, Feilding
Temple Sinai Board, Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand
The Catholic Archdiocese of Wellington
The Ecology Justice and Peace Commission, Archdiocese of Wellington
The Good Shepherd Sisters from Aotearoa NZ
The Justice Peace & Development Group of the Catholic Parish of ?tari, Wellington
The Methodist Church of Aotearoa New Zealand Tauiwi Strategy Meeting
The New Zealand Anglican Church Pension Board
The Religious Diversity Centre in Aotearoa New Zealand
The Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is
Waikato Theosophical Study Centre, Hamilton
Youth Leadership Council, Ng? Rangatahi o M?ramatanga, Religious Diversity Centre
United Church in Solomon Islands
Ekalesia Kelisiano Tuvalu
Hear from faith leaders on why the world needs a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty now!