The extraction of oil, gas and coal threatens the continuity of life on the planet, putting nature, the climate and our cultures at risk. Going away from fossils means putting life at the centre.
While fossil fuels do not feature in the CBD negotiations, there are clear links between fossil fuel extraction, biodiversity loss and the undermining of indigenous peoples’ rights in areas such as the Amazon. The Colombian government has chosen as the theme for COP16 the appropriate perspective of building “Peace with Nature” which explicitly links the climate crisis agenda with the CBD, making the conference a moment of opening of a new front in the fight to phase out fossil fuels, also seeking to protect biodiversity.
To Register
To register for events in the “Green Zone” you must go to and click on the icon for the date of the event (October 23). From there you can scroll, or search to find the event (La vida amenazada por los combustibles fósiles). You must enter your details to complete the registration.
Moderator: Laura Muñoz
Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative - Colombia
Amarilys Llano
Movimiento César Sin Fracking y Sin Gas y ACLF - Colombia
Alexis Greffa
Amazonian Youth - Ecuador
Luene Karipuna
Coordination of Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon (Coiab) - Brazil